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Hallmark star Brennan Elliott has shared heartbreaking news with his fans. His wife lost the battle with stomach cancer at the age of 45.
March 22nd Instagram In the post, he announced that clinical psychologist Camila Lowe has died, saying, “There’s no easy way to say this, but I know my wife. @camilla_row I would have liked everyone in the world who has prayed for her over the last eight years to be grateful for her for her struggles in trying to survive and live together. #STAGE4GASTRICCANCER. It is with a devastating heart that has crushed my beloved wife, #cami He passed away at 5:28 this morning. ”

“Our baby and I lost the rock,” he continued. Thank you for being the best wife, mother and friend I’ve ever known what I’ve done #GastricCancer The community was immeasurable, but what you did for me as a man will last forever. For those who met or knew her, your life was blessed because of her presence. I love, I’m in love, I always fall in love with you my baby! I know your dance, I’m on vacation in heaven and I’m free from the grip of cancer. When the Lord calls me and it is my time, I cu in heaven and we begin to dance again. !! I’ll always be your hot mess!
He wrote a touching message, “I’ll miss this plane forever, but I’ll soon become CU! Thank you for being you!”
Fans knew about Camilla’s struggle. 2022, He had confessed“The people closest to me know that my wife Cami had some matches with cancer in the past, but now I am embarking on a new journey as a patient with IV metastatic stomach cancer. No one is brave, stronger, fearless. Immunotherapy. This is scary and exposed, as you know I am a very personal person, but if there is hope that her story will be useful to me, her cancer experience will not be in vain. @camilla_row In your prayers. ”
Elliot, 49, was Dr. Nick Biancavila, of “Strong Drugs” (2000-2005), and Graham, of “Unreal” (2015-2018). He appears in strings of popular TV movies, including the “Crossword Mysteries” films “The Perfect Pailing” (2022) and “Ms. Christmas Come To Town” (2023).