SingaporeThe US national airline hopes to become the first airline in the world to vaccinate its entire crew against Covid-19.
Singapore Airlines (SIA) told CNN Travel that all crew members, including pilots, gate agents, flight attendants and all crew members requiring contact with the public, will receive a free coronavirus vaccine from the Singapore government. I have confirmed that
the country has buy pfizer vaccinewhich requires two shots.
In a statement emailed to all companies on January 18, the company’s CEO, Go Chun Fung, said, “The Singapore government has made the aviation sector a priority in the country’s vaccination implementation. I am grateful for what you have done,” he said.
“This reflects the importance of the sector and the key role we play in both Singapore’s economic recovery and the fight against the pandemic.”
According to the airline, 5,200 SIA employees have already signed up for vaccinations. Inoculation will begin after a few days.
Mr. Fong was one of the first citizens of Singapore to be vaccinated, along with Singapore’s Minister of Transport Ong Ye Kung. He received the first of his two injections and reports that “the surgery was painless and hassle-free.”
Once vaccinated, the crew will face less scrutiny and fewer coronavirus-related security measures. For example, a flight attendant who is currently undergoing testing on her seventh day after returning to Singapore will be exempt from this testing going forward.
Singapore’s response to the pandemic has been largely successful with border closures and a nationwide contract tracking app. The country has 59,113 confirmed cases and just 29 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
Still, the city-state’s citizens have expressed interest in being able to travel again. A ‘travel bubble’ with turbulent Hong Kong It was postponed indefinitely in December when virus cases spiked in Hong Kong.
annual Henry Passport Index Singapore ranks second in the world in passport power, just one point behind neighboring Japan. Singaporeans can enter 190 countries or territories around the world without a visa.