Movies usually have likable characters, but that’s not always the case.
Some of the characters are terrible, the kind of people you actively avoid at parties, don’t want to get stuck in an elevator, and are basically unwelcome. Not all of them are evil, but some are. They are the kind of people who instinctively rub you the wrong way.
As I said, here are 15 terrible characters.
1. Carter Burke: Alien (1986)

Paul Reiser plays James Cameron’s slimy corporate slave Carter Burke alien It’s amazing. As soon as he opens his mouth about loving money, you will hate him.
Apparently Riser took his mother to the premiere, and when Carter met his gruesome end at the hands of the Xenomorph, the mother turned to her son and said, “Good for you.”
2. Sarah: My Sister’s Keeper (2009)
Sarah (Cameron Diaz) is a monster. What kind of mother gave birth to a child in order to use the child as a spare part for another child?
What she is doing is completely immoral and it is natural that Anna would want to divorce her parents. She should be locked up for child abuse.
3. Marla Grayson: I Care a Lot (2020)
Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike) is an unrepentant con artist who torments countless elderly people and their families to make a quick buck.
she deserves her fate at the end I care very muchand I don’t feel as much sympathy for her as the movie wants me to.
4. Mrs. Carmody: The Mist (2007)
She may be a lunatic, but this Karen-turned-cult leader has dashed any hopes that those trapped in the store will make it out of the situation safely. Destructive, exciting, and frenetic and violent.
Mrs. Carmody is the kind of person who always sends thoughts and prayers, but never gives money to a homeless person.
5. Percy Wetmore: The Green Mile (1999)
Percy Wetmore (Doug Hutchison) is a mean, sadistic, mean man who abuses his power.
He would never have been employed anywhere, let alone in prison. If his uncle had not been the governor, he would have been fired on the spot for deliberately interfering with Dale’s execution.
6. Dolores Umbridge: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Imelda Staunton has made a career out of playing obnoxious meddlers, and her iconic role as Dolores Umbridge is perfect.
An utter coward with an obsession with a marshmallow-pink cat and the enforcement of petty rules, she represents the banality of evil that allows monsters like Voldemort to rise to power.
7. Commodus: Gladiator (2000)
Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) is a weak man full of misplaced ambitions that far exceed his limited abilities, and when he tells his father, “I just wanted him to love me and be proud of me,” he almost gives up. He’s such a pathetic man that you can’t help but feel sorry for him. .
That is, until he killed him.
8. Nurse Ratched: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
Nurse Ratched is a vicious authoritarian who won’t give even two figs for the well-being of the patients he’s caring for.
Not only is she unable to work, she is responsible for at least one of their deaths.
9. Jerry Lundegaard: Fargo (1996)
Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy) is a greedy, selfish, and meek coward who cares more about money and saving face than the safety and well-being of his family. Besides, he’s a fool. Did he think what would happen if he hired two thugs to kidnap his wife?
The plan was doomed from the beginning. All this was to cover up another crime he had committed. He’s just the worst.
10. Guy Woodhouse: Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
Guy Woodhouse (John Cassavetes) is an absolute monster who sells out his beloved wife for money, power, and fame.
11. Colonel Tavington: Patriot (2000)
British soldier Colonel William Tavington, played by Jason Isaacs, is so cartoonishly evil that at one point I’m surprised he doesn’t grow a pair of curly tendrils. He also manages to do so many pointless evil things throughout the movie.
He murders women and children indiscriminately and even burns down a church with all the parishioners locked up.
12. Paulie: Rocky (1976)
Paulie’s rocky The series really sucks. He is a woman-beating racist who takes advantage of the kindness, loyalty, and rising fortunes of his so-called best friend, Rocky.
Then he bankrupted Barber rocky v.
13. Danny Pennington: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
I will never forgive Danny Pennington (Michael Turney) for selling out the Turtles by telling Shredder where they were hiding. Even as a five-year-old, I knew I couldn’t trust this weasel-like delinquent.
14. Colonel Hans Landa: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
SS Colonel Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) is a villain, and he knows it. he enjoys it. Egoistic and ambitious, Randa is an opportunistic sociopath who acts solely out of pure self-interest.
When the tide of war turned in favor of the Allies, he promptly surrendered and tricked the Allies into granting him amnesty, allowing him to live in the United States without having to pay for his many war crimes.
15. Ginger McKenna: Casino (1995)
Some people are watching casino He has a lot of problems with Ginger McKenna, played by Sharon Stone. She often ignores her children, parties and lies about her lavish lifestyle.