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In a 5-4 vote in which two conservative justices joined the liberals, the Supreme Court allows federal agents to cut razor wire along the Texas-Mexico border while litigation over the wire continues. It was decided that Border Patrol unions and their agents who spoke to reporters clearly support the installation of razor wire as they work to keep immigrants, criminals and fentanyl out of those parts of the state. of no importance to the court.

The emergency appeal of a lower court ruling upholding the Texas case did not require an explanation of the vote, but the majority likely argued that the Constitution gives the federal government authority over individual states when it comes to border control. Probably because he felt it. The obvious question the court did not address is why the federal government does not enforce the immigration laws that immigrants are breaking to enter the country.

The Mexican military — no, forget about the military — and a motley crew of drug traffickers decided to invade Texas, and the governor tried to stop them by installing more razor wire, and yet the Biden administration… Suppose that they did nothing to stop them. Is that okay with the high court? The effect is the same as all kinds of militaries crossing the border.

Biden sided with the Supreme Court in the Texas border razor wire case.Decision to bomb Border Patrol union

How many more murders, rapes, and drug deaths will the administration tolerate before it begins enforcing laws passed by Congress and signed by presidents of both parties? If this doesn’t violate Biden’s oath of office, then what does?

A statement from White House Press Secretary Angelo Fernandez Hernandez said, “Texas’ political stunts, such as installing razor wire near the border, simply make the jobs of front-line workers harder and more dangerous. It is a statement that “there is.” However, as anyone can see by looking at the photos of tens of thousands of migrants streaming across the border, they are not doing their jobs because the Biden administration won’t let them in.

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Even President Biden recently spoke out, saying the border is not secure after months of denial by himself and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. If what he has said so far is not a lie, we need a new definition of the word.

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott said in response to the court’s ruling that razor wire is an “effective deterrent” to illegal border crossings and “continues to uphold Texas’ constitutional authority to protect our borders.” Ta.

Local police and Department of Public Safety agents have been arresting migrants on suspicion of trespassing, but ultimately they will be turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which will likely continue to release migrants. From there, they are likely to head to already overcrowded cities in search of low-paying jobs, depriving school children of playgrounds and other spaces, and, in the case of New York, dumping human waste in parks and streets, in some cases. You’ll probably end up throwing it away in the cup you left behind. At the doorstep of local residents.


It is clear that this will be, and already is, a major issue in this year’s presidential election. According to a new Harvard University CAPS-Harris poll. “More voters cited immigration as their top policy concern than inflation. The survey found that 35% of respondents cited immigration as their top concern among a set of issues, with a close second. We found that inflation came in second place, cited by 32% of respondents.

Democrats beware. You are on the wrong side regarding this issue.

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