Marriage is a partnership between two people who share almost everything and get through good times and bad together. But one of the most common problems she faces in marriage concerns money.

Money problems are one of the leading causes of divorce. Of course, it doesn’t help that there are so many different misconceptions about how to handle money, even as a couple.

Some believe that the husband should bear all the financial burdens of marriage. In contrast, some believe that wives should support their husbands financially to lessen their burden.

In this story, a man shares the story of how he tried to get his wife to tip the household account.

planning a family trip

u/MightyManicMonkeyMan (OP) is going on a trip with his family, but this time he’s not sure he can afford it all by himself. He suggests tipping her wife, which doesn’t go well with her.

During the period of cohabitation (10 years now), there were no problems with the financial burden of marriage. However, this may be too much for him to handle alone. By the way, it is more than 3000 yen.

a little help

He figured he could cover the extra $500 his wife spent at the local theme park. Prior to this trip, he was in charge of everything for the ten years they lived together.

He has taken care of everything from rent to car payments to insurance to utilities to vacations to groceries. So he figured this wasn’t such a big deal. It’s not that his wife doesn’t work and earn. If she wasn’t earning, she would have been a different case. But she was earning.

But it didn’t go as planned. She got mad and she didn’t talk to him all night. But again, he was handling everything until now. He was simply seeking support from his wife, but the only response he received was quiet treatment.

Now he wants to know if he was wrong in suggesting that he pay his wife an extra $500 for the ticket while she was processing the remaining $3,000 of the vacation.

unsound financial arrangements

Most people are on OP’s side. He has tried his best, but for a long time his wife just needed a little help to enjoy her trip, but she doesn’t want to be responsible.

It’s pretty selfish of her to act like that, isn’t it? It says a lot about her attitude towards her money.

u/BogBabe asked the OP an important question.

“It seems like her income is ‘her money’ and your income is ‘our money’. What is your wife paying for?”

The OP says, “She pays for the sports classes our kids attend. Other than that, she occasionally buys groceries and gas.” But of course, because he does most of the spending. , we can expect her to be more understanding this time.

Some people point out the difference in earnings:

“There seems to be something wrong with your numbers. You say you make ‘slightly’ more than her, but you pay literally everything and she pays nothing and somehow you and your Do you both have the same amount of savings? Either you’re making a lot of money or she’s spending an exorbitant amount. “

u/RiamoEquah has expressed opposition to any financial partnership between OP and his wife. They think it’s unhealthy and I agree.

Also, there seems to be some entitlement mentality between the OP’s wife and his money. Why else would she behave like this?

To answer the OP’s question, everyone agrees he doesn’t matter. yeah.

What do you think?

I am intrigued by her thoughts on money and the role of gender in marriage.

a thread It inspired this post.

This article was written and distributed by Wealth of Geeks.

Featured image credit: Shutterstock.

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