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The most repeated command in the Bible is a type of “Do not be afraid!” Sounds great in theory, but let’s be honest, what can God expect from us? do not have Do you live in fear when everything around us feels so out of control? Hurricane disaster. Israel under attack. Election outrage. Port attack. Record rates of depression and anxiety. Lord, have mercy.
In Isaiah 40:11, God commands: “Do not panic. I am with you. I am your God, so do not be afraid. I will give you strength. I will help you. I will sustain you.” Stay strong. , hold on tight. ” (MSG Bible Translation)
When God commands something, e.g. don’t be afraidwe can count on three things: it’s for a good reason, it’s for our benefit, and it brings glory to God.
God says don’t be afraid, not because everything is going well, but because “I am your God.” (FOX News Photo/Joshua Commins)
In Isaiah 40:11, God speaks specifically to Israel who is aware of all the dangers around them, but it is only through God’s promise of His presence that fear loses its power to paralyze Israel. .
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We are not Israel and our dangers are different, but the promise is the same and still applies to us today.
God says don’t be afraid, not because everything is going well, but because “I am your God.”
God shows us how acting out of fear will get us nowhere. And is it possible that our fear tells God that we don’t trust Him? What does our panic represent? Do we actually believe that we care more than God about seeing love come down and His will be accomplished?
The peace of Jesus Christ “will drive out all anxiety and all fear from our hearts,” says D.C. monk.
The One who says, “I am with you” is God Almighty. He is the judge of all nations and the ruler of all rulers. He rules over all things. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is already victorious over evil and death. This is the One who says, “I am with you!”
because he is teeth For all these things and the Lord is with you in Therefore, God can command you, “Do not be afraid.” There is no need to be afraid in everything we face because God is present. And God will overcome it in the end.
Those who have placed their hope in Christ need not panic. We are given a supernatural peace that prevails in frightening and discouraging times because we know who will win in the end.
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Until then, we will act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. We call out evil and share the gospel. And because we don’t appreciate that gift, we do things that we would normally resist. In other words, humbly repent. we draw closer to God.
Because God Himself said so. “If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and restore their land. ” (2 Chron. 7:14)
The secret to living without fear in this fallen world is to not think twice and expect everything to go well. The secret to living without fear is believing that God is who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do. It is based on the confidence of God’s presence, because God’s presence is our trust. God’s presence gives us the power to be fearless. His presence is peaceful. And before God, panic loses its power.
And when “don’t be afraid” feels impossible, remember God’s promise: “‘I will never leave you or forsake you.'” So let us be bold and say, “The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. ” (Hebrews 3:5)
Draw close to God for your courage and pray fervently that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
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