Hello everyone. I’m back again to watch Washington Nationals baseball. Yay!!!!!! And just like last season, and the year before, I’ll be setting up one game thread for the entire season. 2023 The banner will remain up throughout the summer and into the 2024 season, so fans will know where to go if they want to chat with fellow Nationals fans during games.

We’ll put this post on the front page (See the second picture below) as is, 2023 Let’s see how many comments there will be in the 2024 season. Go Nats, right? Seriously, Let’s Go Nats! Why wouldn’t you cheer in your seat, in your car, on the subway while looking at your phone, at the office while ignoring work, or working from home in your comfy sweatpants?

The photos we mentioned are below… [ed. note– “We had to reuse the image below and much of the text here in this thread, because, you know, budget! Thanks for your understanding!”]:

Expensive graphics. Virtually the entire graphics budget for this year was created for free by FBB’s Ed Chigliak. All rights reserved. ©FBB2023

We will try to post a lineup in the thread every day/night in place of the previous lineup post, but we make no promises. So please don’t yell at us or attack us for every lineup. That’s not nice. Don’t try to post a lineup before us. Like a real citizen journalist. But if you are the first to post a lineup, please write “first” in your post. We don’t think anyone has done that in the long history of the Internet, and we think it’s always funny.

As always, please be kind to one another and feel free to drop by or chat with anyone from our sister SB Nation sites. [insert opposition team name] They will make a stink if they come to troll us, and I believe they will be taken down in a game of whack-a-mole very soon. [ed. note – “The name is Dalton Ban Hammer.”]

It’s easy to be negative, but after a while that also becomes boring to read. [ed. note – “And we know this, since we read all the comments on the site in a ‘I’d like to check out your public protest, why you complaining?’/Pavement sort of way.”]

So, of course, criticize all you want, but let’s be constructive every once in a while and remember that this is supposed to be fun, and there’s sure to be a ton of good things to take from the Nationals this year, given that they have absolutely no unblocked young players and an obviously best-of-26 lineup on their opening roster.

[ed. note – “* = ‘plenty of positives’ not guaranteed.”]

Is there enough content here? Is anyone going to read this or will all you smart people just skip to the comments section as usual? I guess what I’m trying to say is this is your gaming thread. 2023 2024.

Watch/chat/debate/cry/post pictures of raccoons/weird inside jokes/firework GIFs/dancing mascots/good theatre/post whatever you feel like posting (within reason), but above all else, in the words of the great Bill S. Preston, we basically hope that you will really…

Let’s be kind to each other.

[ed. note – “We’ve saved the following from the old school GameThreads of yore and the HTML has survived for yet another season, so enjoy your 2024!! Competing next season is going to be so much fun! Right? Right???”]



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