Thinking about skipping your summer vacation because of a heavy workload or a demanding boss?

most Americans lose an average of four vacation days per year. Survey conducted by travel site ExpediaIn other words, if every American in employment loses four days, half a billion dollars in unused vacation time is wasted annually.

why? According to Expedia, most people cancel due to work commitments, some find it difficult to coordinate family schedules, and others prefer to cash in on unused days instead.

Related: 7 reasons why frequent travelers are more likely to succeed

If you think staying home is improving your relationship this summer, think again. Consider the benefits of going on a couples vacation before deciding to sacrifice your annual vacation.

Here are seven proven benefits of vacationing together as a couple.

1. Increases well-being.

Summer vacations make me feel good. It’s true.

participant the study People in the Journal of Applied Research in Quality of Life felt happier just by planning a vacation. Moreover, this elevated state of mind lasted an average of eight weeks.

2. It reduces the risk of heart disease in men.

Science says the trip you’re planning to the Hamptons will be good for him.

the study A study conducted by the State University of New York at Oswego found that middle-aged men who took frequent annual leave had a lower risk of death overall, especially from coronary heart disease.

3. Improve women’s mental health.

According to one study Women who take frequent vacations are less likely to feel tense, depressed, and tired, according to a study published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal. In addition, these psychological benefits translate into improved quality of life and better performance at work.

4. Increased marital satisfaction.

The same study found that women who take vacations more often more happy with their marriageThose who did not take frequent vacations reported experiencing a negative impact on the time they spent with their children and spouse. It’s time to pack your bags.

Related: Weird Discoveries I Made About Human Nature While RVing America

5. Reduce stress levels at work.

Tired of him constantly complaining about his tough boss? He needs a break. Leisure pursuits, such as taking time off, have been shown to reduce work stress levels. the study 900 lawyers conducted by Canadian researchers Joudrey and Wallace.

6. Strengthen family ties.

Families who travel together stay together.

“Family holidays contribute positively to family bonding, communication and solidarity.” According to research International researchers led by Purdue Xinran Lehto The Positive Impact of Vacations on Families.

This is due to the amount of time families spend together on vacations outside of their routines, and the memories shared last a lifetime.

7. Cultivate relationship intimacy.

According to research According to a commission by the American Travel Association, couples who travel together “enjoy better sex and improved romance long after the trip is over, and are significantly more satisfied with their relationship.”

In fact, the study found that even a weekend getaway was more likely to spark romance than giving a small or large gift. We need to be aware of the negative impacts on sex and the economy.

Related: Why I Travel to Heal a Broken Heart

Diana Marie Collins Lawyer, writer, food blogger, adjunct professor at the University of Scranton.

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