During his third visit to Iowa this month, Donald Trump warned that if he is not elected president in 2024, the U.S. economy will fall into a “1929”-era recession. His words came as the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all-time high. Best ever Wednesday.

Mr. Trump accomplished this feat. Becomes the first president since Herbert Hoover The Biden administration, who planned to cut jobs and leave the country by the end of his first term during the Great Depression, claimed that “the Biden administration is running on the smoke of the great success of the Trump administration.” Addressing his supporters, he added: “Without us, this situation would have collapsed to unprecedented levels. If we were not elected, we would have a recession like no one has ever seen. …maybe 1929”? ”

President Trump’s economic legacy is hotly debated, but under his administration the unemployment rate soared to 14.7% in April 2021, and by the time he left office in January of the following year. retreated Up to 6.3%. Many economists say the former president’s disastrous leadership during the coronavirus pandemic exacerbated the country’s economic malaise at the time.

According to the data released Under the Biden administration, the U.S. economy added 199,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate fell to 3.7%, the Labor Department announced in early December.


Despite signs that the U.S. economy is strengthening, President Trump tasked with On Wednesday, supporters cited “one thing” that has gotten better under Biden’s leadership (while asking how much time they have). Trump also called on the state’s residents to vote in the next election, saying, ” “We have a big lead, but,” he said. You have to go out and vote. This margin of victory is very strong. ”

During the former president’s first visit to Iowa, Trump declared that he would sweep the blue state if Jesus himself “came down.” In his second return, he dodged questions about whether he would abuse his power if re-elected president. Asked if he planned to retaliate, he said he would make an exception “for the first day.”


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