Despite the rain, it couldn’t prevent people of all ages from experiencing hands-on science at the 6th Science on the Square event held on October 19th . Booths along State Street featured exhibits on horticulture, physics, robotics and more, many sponsored by the University of Wisconsin. Madison departments, organizations, students, and faculty. It’s all part of the statewide Wisconsin Science Festival.
Director Hadi McLean (right) and assistant Sam Kramer (left) demonstrate color mixing during a presentation for the UW-Madison and UW-Madison outreach program, The Wonders of Physics. . The mission of The Wonders of Physics program is to inspire interest in physics in people of all ages and backgrounds.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Sam Kramer, assistant professor of The Wonders of Physics at the University of California, Madison, holds up a balloon frozen with liquid nitrogen.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Ali (left) and Gabe (right) Egelsiel hold a model of a monkey brain at a booth sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Institute for Cognitive Origins.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Pauline Weber holds a cockroach at a booth sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Insect Ambassadors that introduced attendees to different types of insects.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Lila Knutsen creates glowing designs for the giant Science Brite. Science on the Square featured hands-on, STEM-themed activities organized by UW and Madison organizations and local businesses.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Nine-year-old Rex Stutz catches a T-shirt fired from a T-shirt cannon during a demonstration by the University of California, Madison’s “Wonders of Physics” outreach program.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Director Hadi MacLean holds a tube during a demonstration of the wonders of physics.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Nine-year-old Rex Stutz dances in a cloud of liquid nitrogen vapor during a demonstration of the “Wonders of Physics.” Rex told his parents that Science on the Square was his “favorite holiday” and that he was counting down the days until the event.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Laurie (left) and Stan (right) Frey harness the power of solar energy to power a model car at a booth sponsored by Engineers Without Borders’ Madison, Washington chapter. Stan is an ’85 graduate of UW-Madison’s School of Chemical Engineering.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Volunteers from the UC Madison Friedman Whitman Institute set up a booth designed to show “what grows in the soil” during Science on the State Street plaza. Showing Sagan-Tomlin nematodes in a soil sample.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram

Undergraduate Julia Xiong looks at the lava lamp she made at a booth sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Society of Women Engineers.
Photo by Taylor Wolfram
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