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I remember learning about HIV/AIDS in medical school. Understanding the science behind HIV/AIDS has given us a better understanding of the horrors that HIV/AIDS poses to humanity if infected and without proper treatment.

Personal stories shared by people suffering around the world confirmed how devastating HIV/AIDS is to humanity. However, our lecture on this topic ended with a bang with an overview of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

PEPFAR, a bipartisan initiative begun in 2003 under the George W. It is an important diplomatic program that will make the United States a stronger and safer country. .

Former President George W. Bush speaks at the Investing for the Future forum at the U.S.-Africa Summit in Washington on August 6, 2014. (Reuters)

As World AIDS Day approaches on December 1st, we must ensure that our programs remain intact.

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The HIV/AIDS epidemic began in 1981. Initially seen as a “death sentence”, HIV/AIDS was associated with great stigma, and many people did not even know they were infected until they became seriously ill.

Efforts have begun in the United States and around the world to address this massive global problem, but none have achieved widespread or sustained success. But everything changed with his PEPFAR in 2003.

Since its founding, PEPFAR has saved 25 million lives and ensured that an additional 5.5 million babies are born HIV-free. PEPFAR recipient countries also boast mortality rates that are 20% lower than would be expected without the program.

HIV/AIDS was once the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa and the fourth leading cause of death worldwide, at least for now, and as long as PEPFAR continues to be adequately funded. It will be etched into history textbooks.

The facts are clear everywhere you look. Pefal is effective.

Biden administration ‘hijacks’ George Bush aid program to promote abortion in Africa: Republican lawmaker

As Americans, we are proud that when we came together for the common good in times of urgent global need, unique programs were born that continue to bring about positive change to this day. You should think about it. As former President Bush recently wrote, “Every life has dignity and value” and “There are no programs.” [is] Pro-life is stronger than the corporations that have saved more than 25 million lives.” PEPFAR continues to be a prime example of leading America not only with strength, but with principle and empathy.

But while proponents of PEPFAR reauthorization often cite moral imperatives and global health advances, what has generally received less attention is how the program impacts our national security, prosperity, and domestic interests. The question is whether it will have such an impact.

Today, China and Russia remain America’s greatest enemies. The two countries’ shared desire to gain power around the world is clear, and over the past decade the two countries have expanded trade and strengthened defense ties.

They have also expanded into Africa, focusing on the continent as a priority for their anti-US influence campaign. They have invested significant assets, including financial resources, in Africa in hopes of changing Africa’s perception of the United States. However, PEPFAR stands in their way.

In contrast to loans made by China and Russia to simply buy influence without transparency or accountability, PEPFAR supports transparent data collection to hold all parties accountable. It is mandatory. In doing so, we are making real progress and our African friends are responding positively.

China is pursuing a dangerous strategy in Africa.The US must act now to counter this

In fact, public opinion of the United States and its leaders in the countries where PEPFAR operates is higher than the global average. Countries supported by PEPFAR are politically and economically stable, helping to prevent the rise of anti-American extremism and disruption.

These PEPFAR achievements will help foster stronger relationships and strategic partnerships to address global challenges and protect our borders.

To whom much is given, much is required. Thanks to the generosity of the American people and her strong bipartisan support over two decades, PEPFAR has been an undeniable success.

This remains a great source of national pride and a classic example of American leadership at its finest, as the largest effort by a nation to address a single disease in history. It has a positive impact both on the world at large and within our own country.

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President Donald Trump signed the PEPFAR Extension Act of 2018, reauthorizing the program for a full five years. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

America has always been the shining city on a hill that the world looks to on its darkest days, and we remain undaunted. Although PEPFAR has existed through four U.S. presidents and 10 U.S. Congresses, it has not been fully reauthorized in the five full years since President Donald J. Trump signed the PEPFAR Extension Act of 2018.

With an investment of just one-tenth of 1% of the U.S. federal budget, PEPFAR can continue uninterrupted and achieve its goal of eliminating the global HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030. Congress must reauthorize PEPFAR for the next five years.




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