KUALA LUMPUR: Muslims in Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand will celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri tomorrow.
In SINGAPORE, the announcement was made by Mufti Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir in a video clip uploaded onto the Islamic Religious Council (MUIS) website on Tuesday.
“According to calculations based on the criteria of ‘Imkanur Rukyah’ that have been agreed upon by the member countries of MABIMS (Ministers of Religion of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore), the new moon of Syawal was above Singapore’s horizon for 32 minutes after sunset.
“Therefore, I would like to declare that the first day of Syawal 1145H falls on tomorrow, Wednesday, equivalent to 10 April 2024,“ he said in the video clip.
In addition to wishing all Muslims in Singapore a happy Eid al-Fitr, he also prayed that Allah SWT accepts all acts of worship throughout Ramadan and bestows blessings and success on this Aidilfitri.
In JAKARTA, Indonesia’s Minister of Religious Affairs ,Yaqut Cholil Qouma, in making the announcement said the decision was reached with scholars, Islamic organisations and astrologers at the “isbat” or Hari Raya Aidilfitri meeting at the ministry tonight.
“Based on the position of the crescent count in the Indonesian region that has met the MABIMS criteria and the visible crescent report, it was agreed that the first day of Syawal 1445H falls on Wednesday, April 10.
“Hopefully, this decision will realise the togetherness of Muslims in Indonesia in carrying out worship, making consensus and being in society,“ said Yaqut in a media conference.
Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the biggest celebration in the republic which has more than 270 million people with around 87 per cent of the population being Muslim.
In BANGKOK, the19th Sheikhul Islam of Thailand, Arun Boonchom announced on a Facebook live broadcast that Muslims in Thailand will be celebrating Aidilfitri tomorrow after sighting of the moon after sunset today.
Sheikhul Islam is Thailand’s top Islamic authority.