One person has died and 48 people are seriously ill in 10 states. Escherichia coli The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the O157:H7 outbreak appears to be linked to shredded onions in McDonald’s Quarter Pounders and hamburgers.
McDonald’s has suspended the distribution of sliced onions and removed Quarter Pounders from menus at restaurants in areas known to be affected. Currently, these areas include Colorado, Kansas, Utah, and Wyoming, as well as parts of Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
However, the CDC was quick to point out that the scale and duration of the outbreak may be greater than currently known. “This outbreak may not be confined to states with known disease outbreaks, and the actual number of cases is likely to be much higher than reported,” the agency said in a statement. Occurrence notification Posted on Tuesday afternoon.
The agency points out that many people are suffering from the following symptoms: Escherichia coli-These illnesses are never associated with outbreaks because contaminated food recovers without medical care and is not tested for bacterial pathogens. Additionally, in cases where medical care is required, there is a delay in linking the disease to the outbreak. The CDC notes that recent illnesses may not yet be counted because it typically takes three to four weeks for illnesses to become linked to outbreaks.
Still, the CDC also notes that this appears to be a “rapidly evolving epidemic.” Of the 49 cases in 10 states linked to date, three were identified by October 11th. onset of disease From September 27th to October 11th.
The fact that sick people have unusually vivid memories of what they’ve eaten may be helping to identify them quickly. According to the CDC report, “All individuals interviewed reported eating at McDonald’s prior to onset of illness, specifically stating that they had eaten a Quarter Pounder hamburger.” Food recall investigations conducted during an outbreak of infection do not necessarily reveal such clear facts.
The specific information source is Escherichia coli Outbreak Stocks— Escherichia coli O157:H7, Shiga toxin generator Escherichia coli (STEC)—Not yet determined, CDC said. But investigators are zeroing in on the fresh quarter pound beef patty and onion slices used in the popular Quarter Pounder. The CDC says quarter pound beef patties are used only in quarter pounders, and onion slices are used “primarily” in quarter pounders.