Nitros Pirota Is a particularly old -fashioned gate in the basement of the ground. Some species of nitrospirota can oxidize ammonia, but other species can be reduced to nitrite. It is used in plant plankton and protects it from human stomach, mouth, and skin pathogens.
Proteo bacterial Is a bacterial gate that is particularly abundant in the land and marine basement. Some protebacteria live in the deep -sea groove and oxidize carbon monoxide (contributing to global warming and depletion ozone). It also contains general bacteria in the marine basement Deslhobaquatia and Metillomirabirota。 Desulhoba culture has already indicated that sulfate reduces sulfate and other sulfate reduction bacteria can be used to help clean polluted soil. Methyro Mirabirota helps to control methane levels in the atmosphere by oxidizing methane.
Unexpectedly, Ruff’s attention was how the complete diversity was as deep. This was surprising because the energy available at a deeper level underground was small. In the case of ARCHAEA, the diversity increased as the depth increased in the ground environment, but the marine environment did not increase. The same thing happened in bacteria, except for the ocean, not the land environment.
Many of the things under our feet are still avoiding us. Ruff suggests that the deeper but deeper -level single cell microorganisms may have adapted to lack of energy by very dramatically decelerating metabolism.
If there is a microorganism that has been able to live longer than humans in this survival tactic, similar species may be hidden in planets such as Mars, and the surface has been blasted by radiation for a long time.
“Understanding a deep life on the earth may be a model to discover whether Mars had life and whether it survived.” I said With press release.
Probably, future technology may be able to get a sample several kilometers below the surface of Mars. Until then, please keep digging.
Science progress, 2024. Doi: 10.1126/Sciadv.adq0645