In times like these, double down on your skills, your knowledge and yourself. Beginning August 8th through the 10th he’ll lean into this shift at Inman Connect Las Vegas to learn from the best companies. Get your tickets now for the lowest price.

Caldwell Banker’s Mason Morse Carrie Wells has consistently ranked as one of the top agents in Colorado and throughout the Coldwell Banker network since she began her career in real estate over 20 years ago. .

Over the course of her career, she’s sold over $3.5 billion in real estate, ranking her as the 33rd best agent in the nation and 1st in Colorado by 2022, according to RealTrends/.wall street journal.

Over the years, the Aspen-based agency has become the market’s go-to luxury expert and has strong ties to the community through serving on the advisory boards of many community groups, including the Aspen Music Festival, Schools and Aspen Santa. has been built. Fe Ballet.

Mr. Wells is also in the midst of a big shift in his home market right now, and on June 6th, Community Growth Advisory Board Submits Report Proposed significant changes to Pitkin County land use regulations to county commissioners. Among these were proposals to reduce the maximum residential area in rural areas of the county from 15,000 square feet to 8,750 square feet and within the urban growth boundaries of the county to 9,250 square feet. It was

she’s ready for summer Inman Connect Las Vegas In August of this year, Wells sat down with Inman to share some of his top priorities for the summer, including impending land-use law changes. The following is her statement, edited for brevity and clarity.

Inman: What is happening in your market right now?

Wells: Perhaps one of the biggest news items is about to be announced, but many brokers and homeowners don’t know it. Our county in Aspen, Pitkin County, is rewriting its land use laws. Right now it can build up to 15,000 square feet, but they plan to bring it down, we don’t know what that number will be, but rumor has it it could be 10,000 square feet. [When Inman spoke with Wells, the Community Growth Advisory Committee had not yet submitted its proposed land-use changes to Pitkin County commissioners.]

This will come as a big shock to many homeowners and brokers. We live in areas with very strict growth standards, both in Aspen City and Pitkin County. For example, the City of Aspen has changed its land use laws so that only 6 demolition permits are allowed per year in the City of Aspen. We’ve seen between 12 and 19 demo permits so far.

So every time we turn, they make things more restrictive. The interesting thing is that the price will only go up further.Therefore, I think that a large house will be more valuable because it may not be built. [in the future]. This is part of the big news and what’s going on with zoning and land use affecting properties already built and projects yet to be built.

Very interesting. D.oh do you think it will Would you encourage people looking to build their own homes to build taller properties?

Unfortunately, there is little doubt that those who have the right to build more square footage will likely jump in and get building permits whenever possible and do so before the new zoning is adopted. is not. So they will announce these new regulations and then we will go through the process of them announcing it to the community.

There is discussion, there is a first reading, a second reading, and then at some point it will be adopted. So I think there will be quite a bit of backlash, but we have to be prepared that it will happen and that it will force people who don’t want a bigger house to build a bigger house. I think you have to. Otherwise you will lose your rights.

Wow, that’s definitely something new that you all have to deal with. As we gear up and get closer to the summer market, is Aspen traffic increasing significantly?

yes. We always start his summer sales season in mid-June, starting with Food & Wine Classics. Then comes the Aspen Institute Idea Festival from the end of June through his first few days of July. The 4th of July is a great time for Aspen. There is a big parade in town and everyone seems to want to go here.

And it’s one of the world’s leading classical music festivals, held for seven weeks during the summer from the end of June to the end of August. Art Crush will carry out museum benefits in early August. Both June and Labor Day feature jazz concerts featuring big names.

Culturally, summer is full of exciting happenings. Of course, there are all kinds of great recreational activities such as hiking, biking, mountain biking, golfing and fishing. That is why people are attracted to this area.

Sounds like that place. With the market changing over the past year or so, has the type of buyers coming to Aspen changed?

A year ago around June, everyone saw the market change around this time. And we haven’t seen any change in the types of buyers who want to come here. They range from young millionaires to multi-generational families, people with multiple homes, people wanting to change their primary residence to Aspen for a variety of reasons, including tax purposes, being from a high-tax state, and more. A great school here or a safe life in Aspen.

That is wonderful. Anything special planned or looking forward to while you’re in Las Vegas for Inman Connect?

I love meeting broker friends from all over the world who belong to different brands and I love meeting new brokers and building a network of broker relationships. That’s the main thing I look forward to.

anything else?

We are very honored to receive the Inman Golden I Award, which is given to the top luxury agents last year. It was a great honor. I feel very humbled and grateful for that. Inman is my primary source for real estate news. wall street journal — and a big thank you to all of you for your work in keeping us all up to date.

I will be happy to help you.

Email Lillian Dickerson



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