From the room, the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sometimes felt like a prize show rather than a job interview. While the candidate of the Health Committee testified, his fans of the audience shouted and shouted for their support. Even a five -minute bathroom break, there were some slanders from the audience and “we love you, Bobby!” After shouting, “He is lying!”, A protest was guided. Suspended the lawsuit -but they were dramatically counted by the people they were wearing. Make America healthy again With a T -shirt Check RFK Jr. hat.
Maha’s faithful person has many reasons to get excited. When confirmed, RFK Jr. supervises an institution that manages nearly $ 2 trillion and has the authority to recreate public health with his image. “He is only representing the opposite of all of these facilities,” said 34 -year -old Brandon Matrack, who worked on Kennedy’s presidential election campaign. We chatted because he was waiting on the line of more than 150 people who meandered the stairs. Many of them were driven by the overfloor room.
Of course, Matlack and other RFK Jr. fans can participate in disappointment. Whether Kennedy is actually confirmed because the health secretary is still in the air. Since Kennedy faced a severe question from the Republican Senator Bill Cassidi in Luiziana, there was not much noisy support during the Thursday’s hearing. However, the realization of RFK Jr.’s healthcare in the United States may not be in his confirmation. The Maha Movement has changed the problem of chronic diseases into a powerful political topic that is incredibly political to trek from Pennsylvania to Washington DC to support Kennedy. Politicians nationwide have heard from self -proclaimed “Mahamama” (and probably some father) to encourage reforms. They are starting to listen.
Kennedy is the most well -known anti -vaccine activist who spreads conspiracy theory. His strange ideas are shared by some Maha supporters, but the movement itself is mainly to improve American diet and health problems that cause us. 。 Some of the ways Maha want to do it, such as applying pressure so that seed oil is not used, is not accurately scientific. Others have some research behind them. Let’s consider artificial food dye. Animal research shows that polyalmic is carcinogenic. And candy cone enthusiasts will not die with the red dye of the product, but additives are effectively prohibited in the European Union. (Kennedy claims that food dye is pushing the average life expectancy in the United States. There is no evidence that food dye is directly linked to a decrease in human life, but in one study. Fruit fly。 )
Until recently, concerns about food additives such as artificial dyes were in the Democratic region. In 2023, California became the first state in Japan, which banned certain food additives. Red dye 3Potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil, and propyl paraben. However, Donald Trump countries, including West Virginia, Arkansas, and Kentucky, are being proposed to ban foods. Some efforts such as Make Arkansas Healthy Act Act are clear attempts to enact Kennedy’s agenda.
In other states, something a little more School building lock It is happening: Americans are said to be the danger of food material. Eric Brook, a member of the West Virginia Republican Council, told me that it had decided to copy the California food addition bill after being protruded by the constitution. “I said, Well, I usually don’t look west to you, especially in California, especially for California“He told me. “But after I did research and saw the validity of the problem, I said, Understood。 “In January 2024, his first bill was not moved forward at the previous legislative meeting because his words” there were more fish than fried “, but Brooks came from the Maha Movement. I want to motivate West Virginia. A member of the Diet who look at the proposal again.
Other red states that follow California’s leads have not been given to the law, but the fact that the bill has been introduced indicates how the Republican Party is motivated by this topic. Mahamama may be enough to drive Kennedy into the Health Secretary’s work. Senator Jim Banks in Indiana, a Republican member, will vote for Kennedy on Thursday, “I will crush my nose with that movement”, so I will vote to confirm him. He said. Republican members are not only introducing bills to ban food additives. They also take up other Maha priority to Kennedy. Governor Sarah Huck Bee, Governor of Arkansas, has recently called on the federal government to prohibit the use of profits for the winner of her state food stamps to buy junk food. I was repeatedly asked。
For the past two days, the Senator seemed to have been shocked by how faithful Kennedy was. One repented and called him a prophet. The Mahahakomer I spoke revealed that I wanted RFK Jr. Vani Hari, Maha’s influencer passing through “Food Babe” on Instagram, said, “If Kennedy is not confirmed, there will be an uprising as you have never seen.”
However, at this point, the exercise seems to be able to continue to survive without Kennedy. On Wednesday, HERITAGE FOUNDATION held a press Gaggle with Maha Surrogates. Heritage, an intellectual home for modern conservative movements, is currently praising the ban on food dyes. This is because if the FDA prohibits the partially hydrogened oil and trans fat that contributes to heart attacks, the agency will “take choices” or “neglect” Americans. And the same professional think tank that warned, “fat, and”. Installation of “Attack to Development decision”.
Republican members are generally a breakwater of the food industry for policies that can hurt revenue. Today’s Washington Democratic Party and Republican members seem to be more in line with food problems than ever. “If there are members on both sides of the aisle that is very interested in fully understanding the contents of the food, it shifts the game a little,” said Brandon, a former USDA official. Lips said. myself. After all, even Bernie Sanders declared his support on the aspect of the Maha Movement, despite being disciplined over and over this week’s confirmation hearing. “I agree with you,” said Sanders on Thursday. The United States needs a “revolution of food nature”. During the same hearing, Cassidi said that he was struggling to run for Kennedy. Because, despite the deep differences in vaccine policy, “ultra -high -processed foods, obesity, we are sympathy. We are completely consistent.”
Maha indicates that he is a unified message, but the actual test passes the brass tack of political movement, that is, the actual law. It is not yet happy to see how much of the parliamentarians, especially those who have the tendency of pro business, are not happy to be against the status quo. It has been proven that politicians are eager to oppose super -processed foods. In that sense, Maha is winning. However, the victory of the policy may still be a way.