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Reviews of the debate flooded in, and liberal cat-loving ladies rejoiced. Indeed, the debate received a five-star rating and two kudos from the makers of Fancy Feast, Purina says. Of course the media is saying Kamala won, but why wouldn’t they? They can see right through her mouth. It’s like a parent watching their grown-up kid hit a home run in tee-ball. Hey, she made contact but didn’t soil her pants. This was just a few months after saying she wanted to remove her from the running. Those were the good old days. Remember when Joe said he’d be a transitional candidate? I never thought we’d end up transitioning from president to fertilizer. But now they’re so grateful.

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In the end, she didn’t copy Biden. The bar was low, and all she had to do was avoid shouting Allahu Akbar or claiming that the Maroon Five was an underrated band. Compared to Joe, her not showing up on the back of a hearse is considered a win. Plus, her strategy of baiting Trump with a hoax worked. She didn’t have to say anything about the past, present, or future. And she pissed him off. Of course, she had help.

If she didn’t know she had a cover, she wouldn’t be so confident in spouting off all these fake news stories. It’s like the girl who gets drunk at the bar and picks a fight and then gets her boyfriend to mediate, except he’s a TV host. Luckily, in this relationship, she doesn’t have to worry about a pregnant nanny. Now, veteran GOP strategists are saying Harris won. But don’t forget, these are the same geniuses who brought us Mitt Romney, a black hole of charisma so boring that his dog asked to be tied to the roof. It’s an old story. But what about the voters? Do they remember them?

You know, the people who actually decide the outcome of the election, at least the ones where the Democrats haven’t counted the votes. CNN, CBS and Fox interviewed still-undecided voters after the debate, and a common theme emerged, just like a naked Steve Doocy emerging from a birthday cake: They expressed serious doubts about her answers on the economy, and some felt she ultimately leaned more toward Trump than Harris.

Voter 1: He spoke fast, and she basically just repeated everything Biden has said in the past.

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Voter 2: She did not discuss policy changes between 2020 and 2024. She avoided discussing immigration and did not hold Biden accountable or responsible for allowing illegal immigrants into the country.

Voter 3: He was able to claim his accomplishments, but it feels like Kamala has been evasive the whole time.

Voter 4: Although the focus was on policy, I don’t think there was any discussion that delved into the essence of the problem.

Voter 5: My life was better under Trump, but things aren’t so good under Kamala and she says she can fix the problems her administration has created, but I’m not sure I can afford that risk.

All this is happening despite the impression among politicians and the media that Harris won. Even The New York Times acknowledges it. And when they say “voters were less sure,” they mean we’re furious after he criticized Biden in the chili cook-off. Heck, when Reuters interviewed undecided voters after the debate, six in ten of their sample said they were leaning toward Trump and said Kamala was too vague to make sense.

They worry about gas and grocery bills, and she says nothing to ease their fears, which, at least according to Willie Brown, would make her seem like she’s good at easing anxiety.

In fact, voters remember that she was VP all through the inflation surge. They hate her and can’t even afford the eggs they want to throw at her. Keep in mind, this data comes from Reuters and they are more left-leaning than Dana Perino after half a daiquiri. But see the common thread? These voters are aware of something the media doesn’t want them to notice. Kamala never said anything, but that was the goal all along. Nobody knew anything about her. Except that she’s younger than Joe and can stay up past 9pm. That’s just two qualifications you need to be a candidate.

But Democrats want it, and ABC News is happy to oblige. But even Trump-hating voters say they trust him when it comes to the economy, meaning Democrats can hype up the mood all night long, but they can’t make us forget how traumatic it is to go to the grocery store now compared to four years ago, before cleaners were lined with more plexiglass than a prison visiting room.

People in the media can fool themselves into believing an illusion — after all, the easiest person to fool is yourself, especially if you’re already a fool — but they can’t fool you.

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They can’t make you pretend that your bills aren’t rising like a hunter’s pulse after the eight-ball. They can’t deny that your bank account is dropping faster than Jesse Watters on a nudist beach. And they can’t make you ignore the fact that the candidate they want you to vote for presided over this mess. Well, maybe the still-undecided voters are smarter than the hackers who keep lying to them. So who is she? The question still remains. It’s a shame that all the experts in the world can’t help us answer her.



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