The Bucs are scheduled to celebrate their 50th season in 2025, and there are undoubtedly many different ways the team will celebrate history leading up to fall.
Can we see the return of the original uniforms that the team volatile in 1976, as the franchise respects its roots?
Bucs ’50th Season Logo White/Creamsicle Version (H/T
Andrew Lind at Recently I’ve been caught up in this possibility, That came thanks to a Since the deleted Instagram post from Alan Peters, The person who designed the logo for Bucs’ 50th season.
Bucs has announced a red and pewter version of its logo Hype video It follows Super Bowl LIX in February, but before it was removed from Instagram, a throwback version of the logo was captured, which gave it a white jersey featuring a number of creamsicles and red trim.
As Lind points out, the older version of the white jersey was only worn during Tampa Bay’s first 1976 season, so it would be pretty fitting to see it come back as the franchise celebrates 50 years.
Following the 1976 season, the team switched to white jerseys with red numbers with orange outlines. This was the only white jersey I’ve ever worn with creamsicle pants and a bag. So, if the original white jerseys were revived in 2025, the team would wear the white throwback pants they wore for the Creamsicle Games in 2023 and 2024.
Will the original white jersey replace Bucs’ Pewter Alternate?

Bucs WR Mike Evans – Photo: USA Today
As Lind writes, It’s been five years since Bucs revamped their uniform sets, as Bucs did in 2020. With five years on, Lind pointed out that the team can throw away the look of all of that people. I recently wrote a Pewter report Bucs fans want to see pewter jerseys Once again after the team didn’t wear it in 2024 at all.
In fact, the team broke out the All Place look only once a year from 2021 to 2023 after wearing it three times in 2020. Recent Bucs MailBag Pewter jerseys are not emphasized as alternatives in favor of the recently reintroduced cream cicle throwback.
Lind took it a step further with his story, suggesting that the pewter jersey might have come out step by step to guide this white throwback jersey. Details are as follows:
“Teams are only allowed to have four jerseys at their disposal. This is the only way to add a White Road version, as Buccaneers will need to maintain the home version of Creamsicle’s throwback uniforms for at least three seasons.”
So, will Bucs come out to Pewter’s replacement and leave red, white, creamsicle and white throwbacks as four jerseys?
Will the Bucks wear white throwbacks on the road?

Former Bucs QB Steve Spurrier – Photo: USA Today
If Bucs are set to announce a white version of their throwback then will they do so for the 2025 road game? They could certainly wear them out of Raymond James Stadium, which would set up match-up possibilities with some great throwbacks, but the team was able to wear the home game’s all-white throw-buck look very well as part of their 50th season celebration.
When these jerseys were present for the first 1976 season, the Bucks wore them in all games and went in an all-white look throughout the regular season. The team went infamous 0-14 that season, but history is history and if Tampa Bay wants to celebrate their first team in one of eight home games, it clearly suits the theme of the season.
With the popularity of creamsicle appearance and the success of the two creamsicle games (in the commercial sense) of the past two seasons, Bucs are realistically able to all-in and play two throwback games at home, celebrating the 50th season.
This makes for an even more realistic idea given the amount of things teams like to wear white jerseys at home early in the season. Bucs has not broken red jerseys at home until December in recent years. And the commitment to wearing white early in the season is probably why everyone’s appearances are no longer on the roadside.
The Bucks may believe that white throwbacks divide things and that fans can enjoy variation (and nostalgia) as the franchise respects its humble roots.
What do you think, Pewter people? Want to see two throwback games as part of Bucs’ 50th season in 2025?