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Consider the Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday on presidential immunity. In her dissent, Justice Sotomayor is comically worried about how far Trump will push it. She writes, “He will now be immune from criminal prosecution orders. Order Navy SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political opponent? Immunity. Organize a military coup to stay in power? Immunity. Take a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immunity. Immunity. Immunity. Immunity.” But it’s all bullshit, and a terrible thing to come from a wise Latina Supreme Court Justice. She makes AOC look like President Franklin Roosevelt. Everything she suggests would get the president impeached and then face a trial. But to my surprise, the media went along with it.

Joy Reid: Maybe if he wanted to use SEAL Team Six to assassinate one of his political opponents, as long as he was doing it under the purview of the president, for example, using the NSA to investigate the Bidens as a national security threat and say they need to be assassinated when they travel abroad, using drones to assassinate them abroad, using SEAL Team Six to get them the way they got Bin Laden, as long as he was doing it using the official machinery of the president, he could do it.

Rachel Maddow: And as you correctly pointed out, some of the assumptions in these debates were, can a president assassinate a rival? And so I think we need to look at the Supreme Court’s affirmative answer to that, and take it with the seriousness that it deserves. So this is a death squad ruling.

AOC threatens Supreme Court article of impeachment over immunity ruling

I like the guy. Chris Hayes. Chris Hayes. Luckily, she only works Mondays and has six days to chill out. But liberals are resorting to extreme fantasies again. Could the president use SEAL Team 6 to eliminate his critics? Well, if he uses it on The View, they’ll be called MIR Team 6. How would Trump eliminate Biden? Would he make him walk up the stairs? Would he lace Pelosi’s Botox with poison? Would he swap Jerry Nadler’s Depends for suicide diapers? In a perfect karma move, he could strap Mitt Romney to the roof of the presidential limousine. Or Trump could indict a political opponent on charges that no one can explain. That’s new, right? But this decision is easy to explain.

On the other hand, if the president does not have immunity for acts in office, he will be the leader weighing his options as to whether he will one day have to defend himself in court. He will be more of a coward than Alec Baldwin’s assistant. But do we want a president who is immune from all prosecution? This is just a guide to the limits of presidential power. But can we expect a man with one foot in his mouth and the other in the grave to understand that?

Joe Biden: Today’s decision almost certainly means that there will be virtually no limit on Presidential action — a radically new principle and a dangerous precedent — because the power of the President will no longer be limited by the law, including by the United States Supreme Court.

Shut up. Nobody is listening. Look, we’re just waiting to see if you flip out. Now, this ruling actually meant that Trump could do whatever he wanted when applied to a sitting president. I say “shut up” because the current president has a lot to even stand on. The current president has a lot to chew on. It’s not that Biden or whoever is in power won’t use this newly gained power. This is a White House that has filed four criminal cases against Trump, and we also have unelected lawyers who will chase Trump like Ana Navarro chases hot dog vendors on 6th Avenue.

If Biden’s entourage thought they could broadcast the Republican National Convention via drone, Biden’s teleprompter would say “Ready, aim, fire,” and Biden would say “Ready, aim, fire.” End quote. But why does every Supreme Court decision or Trump utterance lead to the kind of panic we often see in Jesse’s dressing room after he’s run out of Aquanet? This is what happens when you see everything through the prism of one man, when one person becomes the embodiment of all life’s shortcomings and fears. I can safely say I haven’t seen this much hysteria from one man since I did my last book tour shirtless.

Democratic donor reports on Biden’s health, strength in private phone call

So, is this the end of the world? Well, if you are one of the media or advocates who has covered up the most prominent dementia sufferer in this country, the answer is yes. You have been exposed. Like me, who forgot to wear pants under my chaps. So, once again, the left tries to distract us from another story: that we don’t have a president. Look here. Ignore that vegetable. But there is a contradiction. First, if Trump is so evil, why do we need to make up these crimes? And if defeating Trump is so important to saving the world, why are you clowns running glazed donuts against him?

But if they don’t make this story about the end of Trump, then we’re back to the unfit Biden. So they’re back to the same ridiculous place of Trump’s hysteria-fueled insanity. This exposes two problems. For Democrats, this hysteria is escapism. Life sucks now, but if we take more of this fantasy drug, it will go away temporarily.

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But this apocalyptic filter doesn’t produce accurate predictions, so things get worse. And over time, people will learn that your rants are just hoaxes. Thus, one of the greatest political frauds of all time will be exposed. So what you are witnessing is the end of an era in which hoaxes were the basis of power. Maybe now we can return to a state of normalcy where governance is based on merit, not on fictional things like Joe’s pulse.



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