Dear Annie: I think you miss an important point in your response to the “inheritance issue” that comes up from time to time in your column.

Elder financial abuse is all too common. It is implied that the brother prepared or had an attorney prepare the documents to transfer the beach property to him when the mother is unable to pay the bills without assistance. Was the mother acting as a knowledgeable and independent agent in this transaction?

The mother’s excuses may hide serious distress over her declining capacity. The other two siblings would be better off not criticizing the mother too much, discussing her health with each other and, if possible, consulting her doctor. If the mother is incapacitated, they will need the understanding and possibly legal protection of both parents.

Dear Inheritance Issue Specialist: Thank you for your letter and common sense suggestions.

Dear Annie: I love your column and read it every day.

I am a big believer in positive vibes.

I believe in waking up each day with gratitude.

I believe in helping others.

I believe we all have a purpose.

Thank you for living your purpose.

Your purpose is to help others by giving positive advice to those in need.

Have a great day! — Positive vibes

Dear Mr. Positive: Thank you for your letter. It made me smile.

Questions for Annie Lane?

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