David Alford, Vice President, Bristol Associates
Bristol Associates, Inc. (Bristol Associates, Inc.) recently 3rd Annual survey results for food and beverage manufacturing. The survey serves as a resource for employers to attract, motivate and retain talent, while providing a platform for professionals to share their experiences and opinions about the workplace and the industry as a whole. This year’s survey, conducted in May 2023, consisted of questions regarding employee satisfaction, benefits, work-life balance, and career priorities.
Declining satisfaction and optimism within the industry
Employed respondents were asked to rate their level of agreement with a series of satisfaction statements on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 is I strongly agree). The results show an overall decline in employee satisfaction. Average ratings are now lower than when the survey was conducted at the height of the pandemic (see chart). Moreover, 76% of professionals are optimistic about the future of their career, decreasing by 12% from 2022 onwards.
Additional statistics from employed professionals:
- 4 in 10 believe their company works hard to keep them happy
- 42% feel supported in their career growth at their current organization (down 15% from 2022)
- 53% have adequate training to perform their job (down 9% from 2022)
Employee happiness and work-life balance
The respondents are: employed and Self-employed/Consultant They were asked questions about happiness and work-life balance.
Full-time professionals report working an average of 50 hours per week. Seventy-nine percent of respondents work overtime (defined as working more than eight hours a day) at least once a week, while a quarter work overtime regularly. 5-7 days one week.
VP-level professionals report the most overtime, stress, and workload compared to all other job levels, including C-suite/President-level respondents. Here are the demographics for Vice President-level respondents:
- 92% work overtime at least one day a week, which is 14% more than at the executive/president level Expert
- 66% express presence somewhat or It was very stressful When it comes to work, 56% of C-level executives Respondents also have the same opinion
- 36% report having excessively Workload is 8% higher than C-level employees
Nearly 9 out of 10 food and beverage industry employees check in on work during the holidays. The survey specifies paid leave as 5 or more consecutive days (see pie chart). Just over a quarter haven’t taken a vacation in more than a year (see pie chart).
When asked to select all the reasons that influenced their decision to take PTO, 47% of professionals selected the amount of work they would have to cover upon return. However, it is worth noting that 37% of respondents did not have applicable reasons that influenced their decision to take PTO.
Company culture trumps compensation in career priorities
Respondents were also asked to select their top priority when choosing a new employer. For the first time since the survey began, compensation It’s no longer a career priority. this year, Corporate culture It received the highest turnout, but compensation tied to work-life balance Second highest priority (see graph). paid holiday The number of votes was zero.
When analyzed by job level, respondents at director level and above had the highest voting rate. Corporate culture while choosing it as their top priority, the highest percentage of professionals at manager level and below work-life balance.
To attract new hires, many organizations believe they need to increase wages. However, with industry optimism and employee satisfaction down compared to last year, food and beverage companies are looking to maintain their current workforce in today’s market by cultivating corporate culture and improving employee health. You also need to prioritize.
These are just some of the findings. click here Read the full report covering recruitment challenges, industry concerns and job search preferences.