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When we hear the word IRS, our blood pressure tends to rise a little. Unfortunately, thieves know this too, and they’re using the IRS as an intimidation tactic to trick you into their latest scam.

Every year, the IRS lists 12 tax scams that we should all be on the lookout for. Looking at recent warnings, we see that these scams have a few things in common. Being aware of them can increase your chances of spotting these latest threats before someone falls victim to them. Here are some commonalities:

Personal information is always a target. Scammers will always ask for personal information. This is usually your social security number, age, address, and date of birth.

Getting your ID is a bonus. Thieves want a copy of your passport or driver’s license, which is often required to prove your identity. So a common tax scam is to tell you that you have an unclaimed refund and that you must show ID to get the unclaimed money.

The greater the threat, the more likely it is to be fraudulent. Threatening to arrest you, seize your bank accounts, or send the sheriff or police to your home or business are all effective ways to intimidate. The IRS does not operate this way.

The wording seems improper: If the title of an IRS notice is in capital letters, mixed fonts, or has improper margins, these are signs that the notice may be fraudulent.

Requests for payment. Requests for payment over the phone or email are not a form of payment to the IRS. All payments are made payable to the U.S. Treasury. Therefore, requests for credit card numbers are clearly fraudulent.

Your best defense against scams is to be vigilant and alert. If in doubt, contact the IRS with your tax advisor at www.irs.gov. This is the best way to get independent confirmation of what is being charged on your tax records.

James Angell is a certified public accountant based in Willits. His office is at 461 S. Main St. and his phone number is 707-459-4205.

For more information, see The Ukiah Daily Journal



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