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Yesterday in Arizona, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the eldest son of Robert F. Kennedy Sr. and the most famous living descendant of the Kennedy clan, took to the stage to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States. It was a symbolic and momentous moment: a member of the Kennedy family, royalty in Democratic politics for generations, had turned his back on party tradition and endorsed the Republican candidate. In doing so, Kennedy accomplished something extraordinary: he put principle above politics and embraced true democracy rather than the rigged candidate system created by the Democratic National Committee.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appears on ‘Fox News Sunday’ for first exclusive interview since endorsing Trump

Kennedy wrote off four days of speeches at the Democratic National Convention with just a few sentences. His clarion call for truth, accountability and democratic institutions resonated deeply with many centrist voters, those who feel alienated from politics on both the left and right, and those who no longer believe that those in power are at all interested in their concerns.

Kennedy initially sought the Democratic nomination, but was thwarted at every turn by supporters of President Joe Biden in the Democratic National Committee, who would not allow debates or an all-out contest for the party’s nomination. Though Biden was a shadow of his former self, both mentally and physically, the DNC came to his defence, arguing that those sharing videos of his apparent mental and physical breakdown were engaging in a “cheap fake.”

Republican presidential candidate and former US president Donald Trump shakes hands with former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a rally in Glendale, Arizona, USA, August 23, 2024. (Reuters/Tsuyoshi Nakamura)

So did their allies in the left-wing media.

Remember, it was only 60 days ago that CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post and other left-leaning media coalitions attacked anyone who suggested Biden was particularly tactless behind closed doors.

Kennedy denounced this in a speech on Friday afternoon, backing President Trump and articulating with great clarity the central challenge of our time.

“For the president of the United States to collude with or overtly coerce media companies into censoring political speech is an assault on our most sacred right: freedom of expression,” he said, “and the right that underpins all of our constitutional rights.”

The Democrats are so corrupt that even the Kennedys can’t support them anymore.

RFK Jr. claimed that during his 16-month campaign, he was interviewed live on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN just twice combined.

“The mainstream media was once the guardian of the First Amendment and democratic principles, but has since joined a coordinated attack on democracy,” he said.

To drive this point home, CNN invited members of the Kennedy family to attack RFK Jr. in primetime last night, as soon as he endorsed Trump after ignoring him for 16 months. A network that would never air Kennedy or his claims was happy to offer a live primetime guest spot to his detractors.

All of this has led to what I believe will be seen as a key legacy of the 2024 campaign: the Democratic Party is so corrupt that even Kennedy can no longer endorse them. Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump, whom he likened to Abraham Lincoln’s rival team in his speech, represents another surprising development in an election season that has so far been driven by unexpected events.

Less than two months later, on June 27, Trump appeared at a debate with Biden in Atlanta.

US President Joe Biden attends the first day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, USA on August 19, 2024. (Reuters/Mike Seeger)

It feels like two years since then, but consider what has happened since that night. Trump knocked Biden out, putting an end to his political career. It was the first true knockout in the history of a U.S. presidential debate. It took Biden weeks to realize he couldn’t get out of the race, including Trump becoming the first president to be shot by an assassin since Ronald Reagan in 1981. But on July 21, three weeks and three days after the debate, the Biden campaign finally waved the towel in their corner of the ring.

Biden is finished.

He withdrew from the race and has barely been seen since.

Up next is Kamala Harris. Yes, the Kamala Harris that Democrats have been arguing for months should be removed from the running because she was the least popular vice president in modern American politics. Dick Cheney shot someone in the face while he was vice president and was still more popular than Harris. In one fell swoop, the Democrats have swept Harris into the running, nullifying the will of 14 million primary voters without winning a single presidential vote.

Surprisingly, Harris, who has never won a vote in a presidential election, became the nominee.

Yes, we’re talking about Harris, who withdrew from the 2020 presidential election before a single vote was cast. Most people with functioning brains realize that Harris would never have become the Democratic nominee if Biden had done what he had to do and announced he wasn’t running in the late spring of 2023. That would have made an actual Democratic primary possible, but unfortunately, we all realize that Democrats want to be elected, not elected.

Hillary Clinton in 2016, Biden in 2020, and now Harris in 2024. They are all the product of the people running the Democratic National Convention, the candidates the party handpicks for itself, with no regard for the will of the voters.

The party that claims Trump is a threat to democracy has, incredibly, now filed felony charges against him in three different states and Washington DC, sought prison time in each case, removed the Democratic presidential nominee from office and replaced him with a candidate who did not receive a single vote for that nomination, fought every third party challenger including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Green Party, Cornel West and the Libertarian Party for voting rights in the 2024 election, and dutifully hidden Harris from all media, refusing all interview requests and press conference appearances.

This is not a democratic process. Candidates should not be selected this way.

Kennedy understood all this.

That’s why he couldn’t sit back and watch and let this race die. That’s why he felt the need to speak out, to stand on principle, to support the only presidential candidate who actually won a primary, the only presidential candidate who believes in free speech and a shared vision for the world.

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In the end, Kennedy had only one choice, even if it meant turning his back on the party that had made his family the mythical heirs to Camelot.

As a result, Trump and Kennedy teamed up.

Thanks to countless interviews, press conferences and public events, we know exactly where Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy stand on every issue, but Harris still doesn’t have a single policy page on her website, and her team has spent more time telling us what she doesn’t believe than what she does.

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Harris is a phantom candidate, a smiling emoticon that stares back at us from our computer screens whenever her videos are played on social media influencer pages, fed to young people by algorithmic rigging perpetrated by their online billionaire overlords, a hollow string of nothings as deep and complex as the number of votes she received for the most important job in the world. She is a rigged candidate by a rigged party, the antithesis of American democracy, the only person in our lifetimes to run for president without anyone voting for her.

So now the battle of Harris versus Trump and Kennedy is on. If you’ve been paying attention at all, it’s not a difficult call at all, even for a lifelong Democrat like Kennedy.

It’s either Trump or no Trump.

To read more articles by Clay Travis click here



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