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Late Friday afternoon, The New York Times launched a space nuke at the presidential campaign of incumbent President-elect Joe Biden, who is presumed to be the Democratic presidential nominee, when the paper’s editorial board, in a shocking statement, called on Biden to drop out of the race.

It was a desperate and almost unprecedented move: After all, the Times is not only the paper of record but also a veritable voice for all things left-wing, saying Biden should never be president again.

Republicans are right to take a moment of misery in this one, but as a wise man once said, be careful what you wish for. The Gray Lady may be onto something here. In fact, it may be the only thing that can sink Donald Trump.

New York Times editorial board calls for Biden to withdraw

As the radioactive dust settles from Biden’s perhaps worst debate performance in the history of the English language, Trump has never been more inescapable. The duality of his television confidence and Biden’s confusion has become defining.

While performance in the debates could determine the success or failure of the election campaign, this year’s debates may be President Biden’s last chance to save his re-election chances. (Left: Photographer: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images, Right: (Photographer: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images))

The polls also show Donald’s approval rating is quite high.

That is why The New York Times decided to take this unprecedented Hail Mary pass to remove President Biden as a candidate, ignoring the dissenting comments posted on social media by Democratic heavyweights Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

And there are some reasons to believe that such a plan might work.

Of course, Democrats don’t have a plethora of quality candidates to choose from — indeed, with Biden out, the former party of Jefferson and Jackson would likely turn to Vice President Kamala Harris — but even that might be an improvement.

The Biden-Trump presidential debate was an unprecedented event

While it is true that polls show VP Harris to be one of the few people less popular than Biden, or even Cholera, she is not collapsing physically or mentally, and the historic nature of Harris as a potential nominee could liven things up a bit.

No doubt there are millions of Democrats who would love nothing more than to rally around the flag of women of color fighting back against what they see as the racist evil of Donald Trump.

David Marcus says Vice President Kamala Harris’ unpopularity may be the biggest obstacle to succeeding Biden. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

And let’s be honest, at this point, few things would excite left-leaning voters more than seeing Biden’s competency and chances at a second term eroded by age and underperformance.

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And there are other options: Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer would look like young geezers against Donald Trump, who is roughly Biden’s age, and even a resurgent Andrew Cuomo might be forgiven for his COVID-19 transgressions if he had any chance of stopping Trump.

Certainly, the Times editorial board has a point: Replacing Biden may be Democrats’ best chance of keeping the White House, but there’s a slight problem.

Since defeating Hillary Clinton in 2008, the Democrats have been the party of Barack Obama, and with Biden now serving his third term, whoever succeeds him will need to continue that.

Certainly, the Times editorial board has a point: Replacing Biden may be Democrats’ best chance of keeping the White House, but there’s a slight problem.

Kamala Harris may be up for it, but Newsom, Whitmer, Cuomo and the rest of the world each have their own ideas, their own advisers and their own top policy experts, which means that if any of them win, Obama may actually have to retire.

At least that won’t happen this time. The infuriated Obama faithful who grimly watched Trump take over the White House in that famous photo eight years ago have no intention of letting go of their death grip on power.

So while the Times may be right in its assessment that the best way to thwart Trump’s renegotiations at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is to add some fresh blood to the shortlist, it’s best not to get your hopes up.

And that’s good news for Donald Trump and the Republican Party: Biden is now likely the weakest presidential candidate in 40 years and, unlike Jimmy Carter, a ticking aging time bomb.

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Does anyone really, truly believe that Grandpa Joe can go another 19 weeks without experiencing one, or two, or even ten more “I fell and couldn’t get up” moments?

Democrats today face two forked paths, but Joe Biden’s well-trodden path still seems the most likely route, even as The New York Times points out the path not taken, a path that may once have had the power to effect such partisan change.

The Democrats didn’t have a primary, they didn’t have a poll, Biden vs Trump is what they wanted and now they’re firmly on their way to getting it.

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