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Democratic analysts don’t seem to understand why an all-out legal attack on former President Trump won’t work because they continue to talk among themselves, not with the American people.

Americans don’t live and work in a New York/Washington political/media/government bubble. If reporters and analysts listened to the American people, as we at the New American Majority Project do, they would see how crucial the choice between President Joe Biden and former President Trump is, and how difficult, if not impossible, it will be for Biden to be easily re-elected.

The propaganda media is trying to focus the election on what they see as Trump’s shortcomings, while Democrats, including the Biden campaign, are trying to focus the election on what they see as the threat that Trump poses.

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But the 2024 election will ultimately come down to a simple question: Can the American people embrace Biden’s policies and principles for another four years?

Former President Trump and President Biden are in a close race, but voters understand the stark differences their policies imply. (Getty Images)

All of Trump’s problems have to do with his own alleged actions and activities. Even the completely spurious legal attacks remain Trump-centric issues. No American has been hurt by anything Trump has allegedly done. In fact, very few Americans care about the outlandish and manipulated legal attacks against Trump.

Most Americans see the cases against Trump as political legal battles. Instead, they are angry about what they see as left-wing attacks on the rule of law and the Constitution, which is why the convictions in the so-called hush-money cases led to a surge in donations to Trump’s campaign.

Far from fleeing Trump, Americans ran to his defense. They saw him as a defender of the unjustly persecuted and took his guilty verdict as a direct warning of what was to come for them.

In contrast, all of Biden’s issues affect ordinary Americans. Biden inflation continues to push already high prices even higher. Child care costs increased 4.1% last year. Young parents are having to take on third and fourth jobs just to offset the costs.

Rising food prices are forcing Americans to make tough decisions about how to feed their families, and young people can’t afford to buy homes, more than negating any goodwill Biden may have generated by (illegally) forgiving student loan payments.

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Biden’s policies are causing real pain to millions of Americans.

Biden’s open border policy allows Venezuelan criminals to go to New York City and kill police officers. Biden’s open border policy allows fentanyl and other drugs to flood our country and poison our communities. It’s hard to worry about how Trump valued his apartment or how much he paid his lawyer when more than 100,000 Americans a year die from drug overdoses.

Biden inflation means the average American can’t afford their groceries, gas, or electricity bills. Democrats want Americans to focus on these legal attacks. But Americans are focused on surviving the terrible economy that President Biden and the Democrats have created.

For elite Democrats, this remains a political issue. For the American people, it is a matter of survival.

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Economically, Biden’s destructive policies will make life more expensive. Culturally, people are tired of his radical edicts that disregard religious freedom and seek to indoctrinate children against their parents’ will. Finally, as a matter of security, Americans realize that Biden does not have the knowledge, ability, or wisdom to defend the country against its enemies.

The 2024 election isn’t about what the mainstream media thinks. It’s about America’s survival.

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