With a rental contract, there will come a time when you want to move out. Even if you are moving within the country, Buying your first homeor you’re simply looking for more space, there are a few steps you’ll need to take before your lease ends, and serving a notice to quit is one of those steps.

Below we have compiled some important details you need to know about how to write an eviction notice, why it is important, what you should include, and more. deposit To help you maintain a good relationship with your landlord, we’ve shared some tips and tricks to help make the move go smoothly — plus, we’ve created a simple template to make checking this item off your to-do list even easier.

What is an eviction notice?

A notice to quit (also known as a notice to terminate a lease) is a formal document that a tenant writes to a landlord or property manager to end a lease. It is an important legal document that protects the tenant and provides proof that the notice was sent within the required time frame. It also gives the landlord ample notice and enough time to find a new tenant or make other plans. Rental property.

Tenants should include their contact information, their intention to end the lease, and the desired date of moving out. In most cases, landlords or property managers require a notice to move out from a tenant who is moving out. However, even if it isn’t required, it’s a good idea to send one anyway.

Is an eviction notice the same as an eviction notice?

Confusingly, an eviction notice is sometimes called a “notice to quit.” However, an eviction notice is generally sent by the tenant to the landlord, and the landlord can serve an eviction notice if the tenant violates the terms of the lease. Lease agreement.

Landlords can also send tenants a “no cause eviction notice.” This is also called a “no cause eviction notice,” although it is not a credit-discrediting eviction notice. A no cause notice is a notice of non-renewal. In other words, the landlord can decide not to offer a new lease. This is usually the case if the landlord plans to sell or renovate the property.

Do I need to give 60 or 30 days notice to move out?

In most cases, you’ll need to give some kind of notice of your intention to end your lease. Some landlords require written notice. Others are more casual and will allow you to give notice by email or phone. Either way, make sure you get a receipt or confirmation once your landlord receives your notice. Failure to give proper notice can result in fines being levied against your landlord.

The notice period varies by city, town, or state law. In most cases, a 30-day notice is required for a long-term lease, although 60 days is common, but less common. Meanwhile, some cities don’t require such advance notice. Seattle, WashingtonRenters only need to give two weeks’ notice and have a seven-day grace period. Raleigh, North CarolinaBe sure to double-check your lease and state and local laws to make sure you understand and follow the rules. Following your landlord’s wishes will make things easier for you.

How much notice do I need to give for a short-term rental?

Short-term leases (also known as leases at will or leases to rent) follow similar rules. The general rule here is that a tenant must give at least one billable period’s notice before they want to move out. Monthly leaseyou must give one month or 30 days notice. For weekly rentals, 7 days notice is usually sufficient.

Eviction Notice Template (Tenant to Landlord)

You can use the template below as a guideline when writing your eviction notice. Please note that the “reason for eviction” field is optional. If your reason for eviction is not relevant to your landlord, it is a good idea to let him/her know. For example, if you are currently Apartments in Seattle, Washingtonand if you’re moving out of state, “I’m not renewing my lease because I Boston, Massachusettsfor a new job.”

If you’ve had problems with your apartment, this isn’t the best place to talk about it for the first time. You can also include information about ongoing issues, but it’s not required.

Below is a sample letter template for a 30-day or 60-day notice to vacate.

[Your Name]

[Street Number, Apartment Number]

[City, State, Zip]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Today’s Date]

[Landlord or Property Manager Name]

[Landlord or Property Address]

[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Landlord or Property Manager’s Name],

In accordance with my rental agreement, I am writing this letter to [number of days] I would like to inform you that I am planning to move out of my apartment. [rental property address and unit number] upon [move-out date].

(Optional) I will not renew my lease. [reason for leaving].

Contact Us [preferred contact method] Please send a deposit of $ to schedule your final inspection.[amount] To new address:

[New address or forwarding address]

If you feel we need to deduct your deposit for any reason, in accordance with your rental agreement, please send us an itemized list of expenses.

please [call or email] Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


[Your name]


How to send an eviction notice

The most convenient way to send a notice to quit is by email, but you can also hand deliver a physical copy of the notice to quit or mail it to an address of your choice. If you want to be extra careful when delivering the letter, you can even have your landlord sign a notice receipt. It’s a good idea to send a follow-up email to your landlord a week or two after sending the notice to quit rent, especially if you haven’t heard from them regarding the inspection.

6 Tips to Consider When Writing a Notice of Intent to Move Out

1. Re-read your rental agreement

There should be a paragraph or two explaining the proper way to notify your landlord that you’re moving out — an email might be acceptable, or the landlord might have a recommended template — and it might also mention the amount of your deposit or any special terms in your lease.

2. Include the date

Whether you use this template or one provided by your landlord, the date is very important – it proves that you have met the proper 30 or 60 day notice requirement required by your lease.

3. Be kind and open

Consider your letter a professional courtesy and an investment in your future: If you plan to continue renting, you may need a recommendation or two from a landlord in the future, and this is your opportunity to stand out as a good tenant.

4. Prominently display your new address and contact details

You want to make it as easy as possible for your landlord to return your deposit, so make sure your letter includes your new address in a way that is easy for your landlord to read and see.

5. Make scheduling walk-throughs easy

If there are any issues with the condition of the apartment, your landlord or property manager will point this out during the final move-out inspection. You should be present to make sure your landlord knows what they’ve noticed.

6. Know the rules for ending your lease early

If you are Terminate the rental contractyou may have to pay additional fees. You may also have the right to terminate early for health reasons, military deployment, etc. Follow the rules, document everything, and contact your local tenant rights office for instructions.

What if I change my mind about moving?

If you change your mind, contact your landlord or property manager to see if it’s still possible. Renew your leaseHowever, be aware that once you send the letter, you no longer have the right to renew the lease (unless permitted by local law).

But that’s no reason not to ask your landlord or property management company if your current apartment is still available to rent. In most cases, it’s easier and less expensive to keep your current tenant than to find a new one, and many landlords are happy to keep tenants they have a good relationship with.

What are the next steps after I have served my landlord with a notice?

Once you’ve given your landlord the proper notice to move out and finalized your move-out date, there are a few more things you need to do.

You can show the property to potential tenants

Landlords may request the right to show potential tenants around your apartment when they want to see the property in person. Landlords must pre-arrange a time and date for a showing, usually at least 24 hours in advance. In some cases, they have the right to decline a showing. Work with your landlord to create a showing schedule. For example, you can let him know the time and date that works best for you. This will help maintain a good landlord-tenant relationship.

Schedule an exit inspection

The inspection should take place after all or most of your belongings have been removed. If you are responsible for cleaning, it is best to do the viewing after cleaning. During the inspection, the landlord will review the condition of the apartment and point out any areas that appear outside of normal wear and tear. This is also your opportunity to discuss and address any repairs up front. Be sure to ask for an itemized list of repairs to prevent any disputes over your security deposit.

Let’s move to the next place

Now it’s time to unpack the boxes. You’ll need to update your mailing address with your bank, student loan company, and other important institutions. It’s also a good idea to set up an email forwarding address, which you can do easily online. USPS websiteDon’t forget to update your voter registration.

Receive a refund of your security deposit

As long as you leave the apartment in good condition, your landlord should return your security deposit within a specified time frame, per state regulations. This is typically between 15 and 60 days, but it’s a good idea to check your local laws. Be sure to let your landlord know where to return your security deposit and how to contact you if you have any questions.



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