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ATLANTA — If you’re snoring at home, you may be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is a potentially dangerous condition where she stops breathing for more than 10 seconds at a time.

The condition is thought to be associated with a decrease in brain volume, damage to white matter transmission pathways in the brain, and a three-fold increased risk of death from any cause. If obstructive sleep apnea is left untreated, it increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, and even premature death. American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

But what should you do if you have other strange symptoms besides snoring? You or your loved one may not realize you’re at risk, and this condition may be present for years. It can go undiagnosed.

“Sleep apnea affects more than 30 million people in the United States, but it is often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed,” said Dr. Keck, a sleep specialist and pulmonologist at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. said Dr. Raj Dasgupta, Associate Professor.

“It’s really easy to misdiagnose women and men because women don’t have the classic, heroic snoring that men often have,” she says.

According to Dasgupta, here are five strange signs of obstructive sleep apnea to look out for.

night sweats

There are many reasons why people sweat at night. It can be too hot, especially with the persistent heat waves of recent years due to the climate crisis. According to the report, certain medications can cause night sweats and can also lead to cancer, thyroid problems, influenza and bacterial infections, and the onset of menopause. mayo clinic.

but research has shown About 30% of people with obstructive sleep apnea report night sweats, Dasgupta said.

“Because your body isn’t getting enough oxygen, your sympathetic nervous system goes into fight-or-flight mode, causing night sweats,” he says. “Studies have shown that OSA patients who experience night sweats, in addition to obstructive sleep apnea, are likely to have very low oxygen levels.”

wake up frequently

Many people wake up at night to empty their bladder, which can be caused by excessive alcohol intake, diabetes, edema, high blood pressure, certain medications, pregnancy, prostate problems, or even drinking too much water before bed. It is possible that you are taking too much. cleveland clinic.

But waking up at least twice a night to urinate (called nocturia) can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, Dasgupta said.

“One study found that about 50% of patients with OSA had nocturia, and noted that treatment of the sleep disorder reduced mid-night awakenings,” he said.

Despite this, Dasgupta said nighttime urinary frequency is not commonly asked on sleep apnea screening questionnaires at primary care providers’ offices.

teeth grinding

Grinding or clenching your teeth during sleep, called bruxism, can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, Dasgupta said.

“While anxiety and other factors can certainly cause teeth grinding, a common cause is obstructive sleep apnea,” he says. “We have a theory as to why this is: When the airway becomes blocked, the muscles in the mouth and jaw move to try to free the blocked airway. It’s not proven, but it’s an interesting hypothesis.”

Most people who grind or clench their teeth use mouthguards recommended by their dentists for protection, but they don’t protect the jaw, Dasgupta says.

“This means you can also develop TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction), which is pain in the temporomandibular joint, which can lead to other problems such as headaches,” he says.

morning headache

the study Dasgupta said he found a link between obstructive sleep apnea and waking up with a headache.

“They typically occur every day or nearly every day and can last several hours after waking up in the morning,” he said. “The causes of headaches are not well established and may be multifactorial.”

Headaches caused by obstructive sleep apnea do not seem to cause nausea or sensitivity to light or sound. Instead, you will feel pressure on both sides of your forehead for about 30 minutes. According to a June 2015 survey.

Depression, fatigue, insomnia

Some symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea can be hidden as mental health, brain fog or other sleep issues, Dasgupta said.

“Sleep affects our ability to think, react, remember and problem-solve,” he said. “Women in particular are more likely to underreport atypical symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, and depression.”

When you wake up with obstructive sleep apnea, it can be difficult to go back to sleep. Some people may suspect insomnia without realizing that another problem may be triggering the wakefulness.

Symptoms of daytime fatigue include a lack of motivation to perform daily tasks, lack of productivity at work, memory problems and decreased interest in socializing, Dasgupta said. These are also signs of depression, so if sleep problems aren’t pointed out during a medical exam, the underlying cause may be missed.

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