If you think that outdated laws from the early days of the United States have been rewritten for modern times, you’re mostly right. But there are still some strange state laws. Even weirder, you could even be charged with breaking them, fined, or even sent to jail. There are few of them, but they are definitely worth noting.
1. Leave your horse with Mosey, partner.
First stop is the Hoosier State. Laws created to prohibit high-speed horse racing state that horses cannot be ridden faster than 16 miles per hour. We have to wonder if Indiana racetracks are biting their proverbial nails with every race.
2. No pizza surprises

We don’t know about you, but if someone delivered pizza to our house, we’d be over the moon. However, in Louisiana, sending a surprise pizza to someone’s home is considered harassment. If the person receiving the pizza thinks so, they will be fined $500.
3. Return the seaweed to its original location

Dulse, better known in eastern Canada as the picked, harvested, and dried red seaweed, is a well-loved snack, but it’s an acquired taste. However, if you want to pick seaweed from a New Hampshire beach, you’ll have to resist because it’s outside the law.
4. Lured by a waffle cone

In the past, when horses were all the rage as a means of transportation, horse thieves would lure horses with ice cream cones. In an effort to thwart creamy treat heists, Georgia, Alabama and Kentucky have enacted laws that make it illegal to carry ice cream cones in your back pocket.
5. Touch but don’t look

I’m still in the Midwest and my next stop is Ohio. It is forbidden to make any kind of face to the dog, whether it is a disgusted look or a friendly face. I think we need to pet them, but then we try not to look at them.
6. One step away from arrest.

If you want to throw bricks on a road in Iowa, you must get permission from your local city council. This law also includes highways and small roads. This also applies to dangerous items such as toys and musical instruments.
7. Don’t put your donkey in the bathtub!

This story sounds far-fetched, but it’s about as true as it gets, as donkeys were transported to a dam in Arizona in bathtubs while they slept. While we applaud his snooze and the efforts the townspeople put in to rescue him, there is still a law in the state that states donkeys cannot be allowed to sleep in bathtubs after 7 p.m. I think you should sleep in your bed instead.
8. Dirty nuisance

It’s always a good idea to keep your car in top condition, and this includes washing it frequently. Minnesota has extreme laws regarding vehicle cleanliness. If your tires are dirty and the filth is scattered on the road, you could be ticketed as a public nuisance.
9. Keep your sleeves through

If you are in a park in Baltimore, Maryland, you must always wear a shirt with sleeves. I don’t know how strictly this rule is enforced, but it’s a reality and it’s still the law.
10. Eat with your hands instead of a fork.

In the South, there’s nothing better than home-cooked fried chicken with hearty side dishes. Forks and knives tend to follow suit, but the law in Gainesville, Georgia, maintains the exact opposite: You can’t eat fried chicken with anything other than your hands. Since it was done out of mirth, it is very unlikely that you would be arrested, but rather you would be ridiculed and laughed at.
11. It’s not the landlord who bites his nails.

Biting your nails is a terrible habit, but it won’t get you arrested. But in Rumford, Maine, if you bite your landlord, you could get a ticket or go to jail. Someone please tell Mike Tyson.
12. Save your blindfold for sleeping, not driving.

This makes perfect sense, but there is an actual law in Alabama that makes it illegal to drive blindfolded. It’s good to have something written in stone.
13. Place your Crocs at your feet, not on top of the fire hydrant.

If you have the urge to tie an alligator to a fire hydrant, don’t do it in Michigan. There are still laws in place that make it illegal to do so throughout the state. In fact, don’t do it anywhere, instead keep them in zoos or in the wild.
14. Don’t honk your horn when you eat.

Everyone wants to enjoy their meals with peace of mind, right? Happily, arkansas We are asking ourselves this question by enacting a law that prohibits honking car horns near sandwich shops after 9 p.m.
15. Sofa is for indoor use only

Colorado has a law that prohibits homeowners from placing couches on their porches to minimize porch fires. Thanks to the University of Colorado Boulder, this system is still in effect.
16. Bouncing Pickles

In 1948, a man in Connecticut was arrested for selling pickles that were not suitable for human consumption. Because of this failure, the quest to make good pickles became one. Result: As long as the pickles bounce, they’re fine.
17. I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts, but not my ears.

When Hawaii became an official state in the United States in 1900, a strange law regarding coins was enacted. It is illegal to put a coin in your ear. We believe the law protects more than money.
18. Please get married again. and again. and again.

Sadly, nearly 50 percent of first marriages end in divorce. Once you reach your third marriage, the statistic jumps to 73 percent. I don’t know if this is why Kentucky prohibits women from marrying more than three times with the same name.
19. Car sales are prohibited on Sundays.

If you’re old enough, you probably remember the days when stores were closed on Sundays so you could spend time with family and friends or go out to church services. In Michigan, you can now shop on Sundays, but car sales are prohibited. Furthermore, you cannot trade or purchase a car on the Sabbath.
20. Bear of Law

one of the funniest scenes in semi-professional Star Will Ferrell wrestled with Dewey the bear while trainer Kristen Wiig watched. It’s a joke that lasts until the end of the movie, but it’s a good thing he wasn’t in Missouri or he would have been arrested. State laws are in place to protect these beautiful animals from cruelty.