A fruit’s blood sugar level defines how quickly the fruit releases glucose into the bloodstream. High-glycemic fruits such as mangoes, torn bananas, watermelon, and pineapple release glucose quickly, causing blood sugar levels to spike. This may not be helpful for diabetics as they already struggle with blood sugar control. Sudden spikes can worsen health conditions and lead to the risk of organ failure. Here, low-glycemic fruits such as strawberries, plums, apples, and avocados can effectively help manage diabetes. Because it contains a sugar called fructose, it is not easily absorbed by the body, causing blood sugar levels to rise gradually. It’s also rich in fiber, which keeps you feeling full for longer and prevents frequent cravings. This helps manage a healthy weight, prevents obesity, and controls diabetes. Here, read this article to know the best low-glycemic fruits.

Do you understand the glycemic index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a scale that ranks different types of fruits based on how they may affect normal blood sugar levels. Fruits with a high glycemic index can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels compared to fruits with a low glycemic index. Therefore, choose fruits with low GI to manage diabetes. Fruit GI ratings include:

  • Low GI value: 55 or less
  • Medium GI value: 56-69
  • High GI value: 70 or more

The lower the glycemic index of the fruit, the slower the rise in blood sugar levels and the easier it is for your body to cope with changes in your body after eating. So, here is a list of some low-glycemic fruits. First, let’s learn what low GI fruits are.

What are low-glycemic fruits?

Fruits with a low glycemic index have less fructose (a type of sugar naturally found in fruits) than other types of fruits. They are an excellent source of fiber that effectively slows down digestion and prevents the risk of “high or low” blood sugar levels. People with diabetes aren’t the only ones who need to watch their blood sugar levels. Everyone should be careful when their blood sugar levels rise frequently, as it can be physically and mentally exhausting. It can set your body up to resist insulin. Adding low-glycemic fruits to your weekly meal routine can help regulate blood sugar levels throughout the day. Their high fiber content also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease, and helps you feel full.

Top 12 fruits with low blood sugar levels

Looking for fruits that are low in sugar? A variety of fruits are low-glycemic, so they can be safely included in your diet if you have diabetes or want to control high blood sugar levels. The names are:

1. Strawberry

Delicious and nutritious, strawberries have a relatively low GI score of 41. study, these nutritious fruits can be consumed in a variety of ways to control type 2 diabetes. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, known for its significant antioxidant properties, which can help reduce the inflammation that causes diabetes. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which slows down the absorption of glucose in the body and prevents a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Additionally, strawberries contain natural sugars, which can satisfy your sugar cravings without affecting your blood sugar levels. Therefore, it becomes a healthier alternative to sugar-rich desserts and snacks.

2. Plums or prunes

Plums can be found as fresh fruit or in the dried form known as prunes. Juicy plums have a low glycemic index of 40, and prunes (dried) have a GI of 29, making them an ideal addition to a sugar-free diet. Rich in minerals and vitamins, these fruits do not cause a spike in blood sugar levels, making them safe to eat even during the monsoon season. It is also rich in soluble dietary fiber, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Prunes are a powerful laxative, so they’re an excellent option for people who suffer from constipation. The fiber they contain absorbs water, increases stool bulk, and softens stool. As a result, stool is expelled faster and constipation is prevented.

Also read: Foods to avoid with diabetes

3. Avocado

Avocados have a low glycemic index and are a great source of nutrients. It has a GI score of less than 40, making it ideal for people who are concerned about their blood sugar levels. Fruits are rich in essential minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats. These fats promote heart health and help control blood sugar levels. Also, if you have diabetes and are worried about being overweight, adding avocado to your daily diet can help you lose excess body fat. Rich in potassium, these nutritious fruits help regulate blood pressure and contribute to overall health.

4. Kiwi

Kiwi is an excellent low-glycemic fruit choice for diabetics. Kiwi has a glycemic index of approximately 52, making it a relatively low-ranked fruit with a slower and more gradual rise in blood sugar levels. One kiwi fruit contains only about 8 grams of carbohydrates, but it contains enough fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K to benefit your overall health. Additionally, kiwi is rich in antioxidants that help reduce diabetes-related inflammation. Kiwi has a low impact on blood sugar levels, high fiber content and high nutrient density when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, making it a delicious and fruity option while effectively managing blood sugar levels. This is a smart choice for diabetics who are thinking about this.

5. Grape

If you’re looking for a low-sugar fruit for diabetes, grapes are a readily available option. Grapes have a glycemic index rank of 53, making them a fruit with a low glycemic index and high nutritional value. Grape skins are rich in fiber, which helps the body absorb glucose slowly. This is why the GI value of grapes does not cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. These fruits are also rich in antioxidants, essential minerals, and vitamin B6. These powerful nutrients can help improve digestion, strengthen brain function, and lift your mood. Additionally, it fights inflammation, prevents the risk of cardiovascular problems, and enriches your gut health with good bacteria.

6. Cherry

Cherry has a glycemic index score of 20. It is a low GI snack, making it an ideal choice for people with diabetes. Sweet cherries help satisfy sweet cravings without significantly raising blood sugar levels. It’s also a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which boost your immune system and heart health. Cherries are rich in antioxidants, which can effectively fight inflammation and oxidative stress. Both of these factors play a role in diabetes management. Because cherries have a short growing season, you can get canned tart cherries with a GI score of 41. Cherries are also considered a low GI fruit. However, be sure to check the sugar content of such canned cherries.

6. Peach

These juicy and flavorful properties make us love peaches. With a GI score of 42 and only 68 calories, peaches are a nutritious fruit for diabetics. These delicious fruits contain dietary fiber, vitamins K, A, and C, and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin. The vitamins found in the fruit help promote overall health, and its antioxidant properties are valuable for people with diabetes. A great and delicious alternative to high calorie foods. The skin of a peach is rich in dietary fiber, so eating it with the skin allows you to enjoy the deliciousness of peaches to the fullest. The skin of a giant peach contains 3 grams of fiber.

7. Guava

Guava is at the top of the list of low-glycemic fruits with a GI score of 12. You can include this fruit or eat it as a delicious snack. High fiber content helps you feel fuller longer and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Guava has a low GI, so it provides a surprisingly sweet indulgence without causing blood sugar spikes. This sweet fruit is also rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C, which boosts digestion and immunity. Guavas should be eaten with the skin peeled to lower triglycerides and serum total cholesterol.

8. Apple

With a GI score of 39, apples are one of the fruits with the lowest glycemic index. Apples are commonly available and popular as they are the favorite fruit of the American people. You may have heard that eating apples regularly can keep you away from the doctor. This saying is true because apples help control high blood sugar levels. According to the study, apple consumption may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. These fruits are high in fiber, so they take longer to digest. Therefore, this prevents the danger of insulin spikes and blood sugar levels. Additionally, apples contain a natural sugar called fructose, which causes a spike in blood sugar levels, unlike the sugar found in sweets and candy.

9. Orange

Oranges are the fruit with the lowest glycemic index. It has a GI score of 40 and is known to be rich in vitamin C. The vitamin C found in fruit specifically supports diabetes management, but also benefits your overall health. It greatly helps reduce the risk of inflammation and oxidative stress. It is essential for people with diabetes to manage both of these factors to prevent further health complications. It is also rich in dietary fiber and various antioxidants, which help stabilize blood sugar levels. The calcium found in oranges is essential for maintaining healthy bones and nerve function.

9. Avocado

Avocados are an excellent low-glycemic fruit choice for diabetics. The glycemic index (GI) value is around 15, which is considered very low. Foods with a low GI value cause blood sugar levels to rise more slowly and slowly. One avocado contains about 7 grams of fiber, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates and prevents blood sugar levels from rising. Fruits with a low glycemic index are high in monounsaturated fats, which can help improve insulin sensitivity and better regulate blood sugar levels. Unlike many other fruits, avocados contain virtually no sugar. This makes it a safe and diabetic-friendly fruit option.

Also read: 6 ways to lower insulin levels

10. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is not as sweet as the other fruits mentioned in this article. But what it lacks in taste is in nutrition. Grapefruit is considered a low-glycemic fruit with a GI score of 25. Grapefruit is a whole pink fruit that contains 92 mg of vitamin C, 100% of your body’s daily requirement. In addition, the fruit contains 2-4 g of fiber and 91% water. This amazing consistency of water and fiber makes grapefruit extremely satisfying to eat. The fiber they contain helps slow down digestion. Consuming these delicious fruits as a mid-day snack or breakfast can curb frequent cravings and prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.

What to consider when eating low GI fruits

In addition to glycemic index (GI), intake control and glycemic load (GL) are two main factors that must be considered when eating low-glycemic fruits. Glycemic index indicates how quickly a fruit causes a spike in blood sugar levels, so glycemic load (GL) estimates how quickly a fruit takes glucose into the bloodstream and how much sugar it provides. GL takes into account both fruit portion size and glycemic index. Consuming too much low-glycemic fruit can affect blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it is important to be mindful of portion sizes to ensure that the overall glycemic load of the food is within the required range to support blood sugar regulation. A glycemic load below 10 is considered low, and a glycemic load above 20 is considered high. It is better to seek professional help. Our experts will guide you by creating a complete glycemic index and fruit glycemic load chart with proper portion control. The Gland GI Fruit Chart can help you find the fruits and amounts that are right for you.


Low-glycemic fruits are a great addition to your daily diet, especially if you have diabetes. These fruits are rich in nutrients that help balance blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels, strengthen your immune system, and even help with your gut health. Low GI fruits benefit your overall health by reducing the risk of several health problems associated with high or low blood sugar levels. We hope that you will understand the effectiveness of the low GI fruits introduced in this article. Try incorporating it into your breakfast or lunch today and enjoy healthy results.



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