An estimated 65% of middle-class Americans are struggling financially and don’t expect their situation to improve anytime soon — they expect to remain struggling for the rest of their lives. Recent survey by the National Cost of Living Coalition.

What’s striking is that the poll revealed that many of these professionals come from mixed rural and urban communities and have both high school diplomas and graduate degrees. Yet their education appears to have done little to advance their economic success beyond helping them cover basic living expenses.

Despite the fact that inflation has eased somewhat as of spring 2024, US-based workers are facing an economic crisis, with 40% of all Americans unable to plan beyond their next paycheck and nearly 50% of middle-class US professionals unable to save even $500 for an unexpected event.

As a result, many workers are starting side hustles to supplement their salary and give themselves more financial freedom so they can indulge every now and then, save for big purchases like buying a dream home, set aside money for retirement, or feel more in control of their situation in case of an emergency.

why are you should Start a side hustle without spending any money

Whatever your motivation for starting a side hustle, you probably don’t have much spare cash to consider investing in a large amount for a rainy day or to pay off debt and cover everyday expenses.

In a way, that’s a good thing, and here’s why.

1. Creativity

First, having very little money to invest in your business forces you to think very creatively and outside the box. You start making the most of your existing resources and the free tools available to you, and you are forced to stay disciplined and focused on your goal until you have some success with your side hustle and additional funds are available.

This is a great habit to develop because as you start making more money from home, you’ll get more used to budgeting and using your resources efficiently, which will help you make better use of your money.

2. Less risky

Another good reason to start a side hustle with little to no money is that it minimizes financial risk. This is especially beneficial if you’re just starting out as a trial run to explore possible career paths or gauge market conditions and reactions to your pitched idea.

3. Skills Development

Finally, starting small is beneficial because it gives you hands-on business experience and the opportunity to develop new skills in a low-risk environment. This will be beneficial as you scale your side hustle (if you choose to), and will help with your overall career growth.

A side hustle you can start today with no capital

Here are some high-paying side hustles you can start today, as long as you have a laptop, a phone camera (maybe even a few), some skills, and a good internet connection.

  1. blog
  2. Video Blog
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Copywriting
  5. Freelance Strategy Consulting
  6. Freelance Management Consulting
  7. Freelance IT Consulting
  8. Business Coaching
  9. Health Coaching
  10. Online Tutoring
  11. Teach another language
  12. Print-on-demand products

These side hustles can be started relatively quickly with no initial investment — all you need is to get creative with your existing skills and expertise and leverage your resources.


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