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We’ve heard a lot about what President Biden said in his speech on Tuesday about Hamas’ outrageous attacks on Israel. But what was missing was…well, what was missing. For, while Biden has carefully condemned this brutal and intolerable act of terrorism, he has ignored the important role his own disastrous policies play, and he has not given much thought to how his administration will respond to this grave test of American leadership. It left Americans largely clueless about how to respond.

Let’s summarize what we did did not do it listen:

1. Ghosting in Iran

It is no secret that Biden was trying to bribe the Iranians with huge reparations for the hostages. Add to this a sanctions gulf large enough for the largest oil tankers to navigate, and virtual silence on Iran’s human rights record, support for terrorism, and destabilizing activities in the region and Latin America.

Biden had hoped Iran would keep a low profile until at least after the 2024 election. Tehran’s payback to the US and Biden was not only to cheer on the beheading of infants by Hamas terrorists, but also perhaps to assist in the support and planning of terrorist operations.

Biden rejects calls for de-escalation, vows ‘Israel is back’ as he prepares for ground war with Hamas

The president couldn’t even be bothered to mention Iran in his speech on Tuesday. This is a clear sign that the administration has no idea what to do now that it is faced with irrefutable evidence that its Iran policy has completely and completely failed.

2. Ignoring Russia

Russia has declared full cooperation with Hamas, a notable change in Moscow’s policy. Additionally, there are reports that Russian mercenaries may have helped train and prepare Hamas shock troops. Additionally, there are reports that Russians smuggled captured weapons to Hamas and spread false flags that these weapons were sold to Hamas on the black market by Ukrainians.

Both Russia and Iran clearly believe that a spiraling war in the Middle East would be an undue burden and a distraction to the United States. Meanwhile, Biden, who has not previously articulated a clear strategy toward Ukraine, now laid out a “no plan” plan to deal with the dual global crises.

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All we’re getting from the White House is that Ukraine can expect a blank check for as long as it takes. Regarding Israel, we are severely reprimanding Israel not to overreact. The signal this sends to both Moscow and Tehran is that Washington is just making this up as it goes along.

It’s a big amateur night at a time when we need true professionals.

3. Gaslighting at the border

Israel is attacked by Pearl Harbor from Gaza with virtually no warning. The United States, on the other hand, has the most open borders on earth. Millions of illegal aliens are flowing into the United States without being monitored by Border Patrol agents, let alone vetted.

We know that this flood includes people from all over the world. We know that includes people on terrorist watch lists. We know this because we have been culling them in unprecedented numbers at our borders in recent months. The chance that they are the only ones is less than zero. But the president did nothing in Tuesday’s speech to reassure Americans that he is ready to protect them from another 9/11.


4. Anti-Semitism is recognized.

A long list of Yahoos, from the Congressional “Squad” to BLM to radicals at Ivy League universities, have responded to Hamas’ atrocities by attacking Israel. The president has a deep, insidious, and pernicious problem of anti-Semitism within his own party. Tuesday’s speech was a perfect opportunity for him to condemn them and declare it unacceptable. he didn’t accept it.

White House officials are probably proud that Biden was able to muster up the energy to deliver a largely boilerplate speech after hosting the barbecue. But Americans looking for real leadership can’t help but be disappointed in a president who appears to be trying to make a decision at a crucial time.

Click here to read more from James Jay Carafano



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