These are the average mountains of Alaska…

Where should you travel in America in August? Well, the sun doesn’t set in Alaska until 10 p.m. at this time of year. This gives you ample opportunity to explore the icy regions of this unique US state. With just 1 person per 1.3 square miles, Alaska is the least densely populated state in the country. For reference, next is Wyoming, with just 6 people per square mile.

But what Alaska lacks in population density, it more than makes up for in sublime landscapes of forests, mountains, fjords, and glaciers. Its wonders lie primarily in national parks. Some of the best known include Wrangell Street Area, Glacier Bay, Denali, and Tongass. In fact, the Tongass is known for its frequent sightings of grizzly bears.

Since much of Alaska is inaccessible by land, one of the best ways to experience Alaska is by taking a cruise around the area. While aboard a comfortable boat, you can admire the magnificent glaciers stretching out over the water and, if you’re lucky, watch one or two whales swimming together.

One of the most popular routes takes you through the extremely beautiful Inside Passage, with its turquoise waters and rugged, snow-capped mountains. The route’s calm water is a big advantage, especially for small boats, and it includes stops in the state capital, Juneau, as well as Ketchikan and Skagway.

The weather can be harsh even in August, so be sure to pack the appropriate travel gear.



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