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President Biden’s time in the White House is thankfully drawing to a close, and with just six months left in his term, he is now officially a lame duck.

Biden was the victim of a corrupt Democratic Party machine (and a complicit media) that thought it could pull off massive deception in an election year, despite his declining cognitive abilities.

The establishment and its compliant media convinced millions of voters in the primaries that the president was sane and ready to serve another four years. This lust for power has put America at risk. Why are they so unpatriotic?

President Biden and former President Jimmy Carter (Associated Press)

So what place will Biden have in the history books? He didn’t fail as president because of cognitive decline. It was his policies that ruined America.

America’s Worst Former Presidents: Can You Name These 4?

From his first days in office, he has governed from a far-left position on every issue, from climate change to radical income redistribution, to massive government expansionism, to racial policy, to an “America First” foreign policy, to the dangerous weaponization of every government institution, from the IRS to the State Department to the FBI to the Justice Department and possibly the Secret Service.

He made Richard Nixon look like an amateur.

It’s hard to name one policy he got right. His economic policies were disastrously bad. The trillions of dollars of debt he piled up produced nothing.

He pushed inflation to its highest level in nearly 40 years. Under his rule, inflation reduced the average family’s income by $2,000. Test scores declined. More people died from COVID-19 during his presidency than under former President Trump, even though a vaccine was available.

Before Biden, five former presidents faced health problems before their reelection bids.

Interest rates rose, making homeownership a pipe dream for young people, and homeowners faced doubling their mortgage payments.

Woodrow Wilson served as president from 1913 to 1921. (Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Biden has declared war on American energy, dragging America back into the corrupt Paris Climate Accord while the rest of the world continues to burn more fossil fuels than ever before, and by disrupting US oil and gas production and pipelines, he has played into the hands of our enemies China and Iran.

Gasoline prices rose, small business confidence fell, two-thirds of Americans consistently said in polls that the economy was “fair” or “poor,” and the poverty rate rose.

Even the only statistic Biden brags about – job creation – is an illusion. Most of the jobs are in government and health care. There’s no reason for the government to hire more workers when it’s borrowing $2 trillion a year.

What makes a president great?

And then there was sheer incompetence. The failed withdrawal from Afghanistan was a national security disaster. The border became a broken dam, allowing some 10 million illegal immigrants into the country. The government spent $7 billion to build electric cars, only to have a handful actually made.

Biden poured hundreds of billions of dollars into an illegal and immoral student loan forgiveness program. He appointed regulators to key agencies in charge despite or because they hate business. Less than 10% of his appointees had any business experience. And it showed.

Former President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in October 2020. (Joe Biden/Instagram)

He tried to pass legislation that would force Americans to give up their gasoline-powered cars, gas stoves, and other appliances.

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When he leaves the White House in January, the country will be poorer, weaker, more divided, more in debt, more vulnerable and less respected than when he took office.

This man vowed to unite the country and did the exact opposite. He deserves to go down in history as one of the top five worst presidents of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Herbert Hoover (1894-1964) served as the 31st President of the United States from 1929 to 1933. First Edition: People Disc (Central Press/Getty Images)

Here is a list from worst to best.

1. Woodrow Wilson
2. Herbert Hoover
3. Jimmy Carter
4. Joe Biden
5. Barack Obama

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Now Democrats are hoping to field Vice President Kamala Harris, who has endorsed every policy of the Biden administration and overseen the worst border conflict in modern history.

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse.

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