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When my father was born in 1902, the national debt was $2.3 billion. At the age of 16 he went to war and fought in the trenches on the Western Front. He didn’t care, but the US national debt at the time was $15 billion.

My name is Joe Penland Sr. He is a God-fearing businessman from Beaumont, Texas. I’m not a Washingtonian, a political insider, or an ideologue, but I feel I have to speak to Americans about the biggest problem facing Americans today: the national debt. I am a citizen. Its size has now reached $32 trillion and is growing.

The American people need to recognize this problem immediately. That’s why I’m launching a million dollar nationwide awareness campaign about the need to address the national debt, the need to balance the American budget, and the need to keep America’s promises. is.

Wall Street Journal Schools Support 14th Amendment Over Debt Ceiling: ‘He Might Be Confused’

Growing up, we didn’t have enough food. Papa was sick and had a stroke and became bedridden. Mama took care of him, making money ironing the clothes of the neighbors, and we were getting a social security pension of $200 a month. That was our entire existence.

Joe Penland Sr. is the founder and chairman of The Quality Mat Company, one of the world’s oldest and largest manufacturers of rig, oilfield and crane mats. Joe has extensive banking experience having served on the boards of several banks for over 25 years.

I grew up in Frisco, Texas. cotton city. And the family picked cotton. We all went to the cotton fields. They left school to go pick cotton. And if you’re old enough, you can hoe the cotton. It was a $1 payment per day. Cotton was 50 cents. So I worked for 50 cents a day.

When I was 14, my father passed away. It took me years to pay off his funeral, mowing the funeral home. By 1968, I had just finished high school and was working in the energy industry.

As a full-time taxpayer, the first thing I noticed was that the national debt is $348 billion.

I recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the company I started in my mother’s backyard. I am blessed by the Good Lord and believe it is my duty to leave this world better than I ever thought possible.

Biden Accuses Far-Left Progressives of Debt-Ceiling Talks: ‘We Want Default’ Over Deal

Our country is heading towards a catastrophic default. It’s been almost a quarter of a century since Washington’s talking heads balanced their budgets. Most of them know that it’s ordinary Americans who feel the pain, so they don’t care. people dependent on benefits. Not just older people, but young children like me when my father fell ill and died.

I don’t know if the people of Washington are incompetent or simply indifferent, but there are many people who gave everything they had and made the ultimate sacrifice for this opportunity, and that is America.


It’s a shame that none of them try to do what’s right for this country. They just want to be trendy to get re-elected.

The United States is the strongest and best country in the world. All the people of Washington, and no one in politics today, had anything to do with it, they just inherited it.

They should be credited with driving the world’s greatest country into a ditch.

This country needs a chance to get back on track. Look, now our ship, America, is listed a little bit. she is drinking water You can fix it. We can solve problems, save water, and rejuvenate. But if you don’t, you won’t succeed. There are too many against us now.

In politics, I have no favorites. Democrats are at odds with Republicans, there are Republicans against Republicans, Democrats against Democrats. For the good of this country, everyone needs to correct their actions.


As for me, I do my part. may not have been educated. I have nothing against educated people, but all educated people in Washington don’t seem to understand that this borrowing and spending, this printing money is not good for anyone. .

I am investing my money to spread this message. Learn more, spread the news, and join the movement at



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