Popular YouTuber Zach Nelson — he Jelly Rig Everything channel — Used his toolkit for durability testing of Apple’s latest iPad.

The new iPad, which was released a few months ago to lukewarm reviews, is the tenth iteration of Apple’s budget iPads and comes in a variety of colors.

Nelson, who chose the pink iPad, begins by pointing out how the new device has “officially caught up with the world” by installing a USB-C port instead of Apple’s own Lightning port. .

Before bringing the knife to the iPad, Nelson highlights the absurdity of Apple’s decision to leave the Lightning connector on the iPad’s compatible Apple Pencil and get a $9 dongle to plug into the USB-C port. “But Apple likes it,” says Nelson, adding:

Nelson’s scratch test using mohs hardness scale From level 6 the iPad’s display is damaged, and at level 7 the groove becomes deeper. “Pretty standard,” he says the YouTuber.

Then a knife comes out, followed by a large amount of scratches and scrapes. A warning to more sensitive souls: At this part of Durability, the hairs on the back of the neck stand up, so it’s best to turn the volume down and watch this part.

After trying to carve a cartoon character into the back of the iPad (“Not my best work,” Nelson admits), the iPad is starting to look a little ragged. Then a lighter comes out, and a naked flame rises to his iPad’s display. This procedure causes the glass to behave quite funky.

Finally, there’s bend testing, where Nelson does everything in his power to push the iPad’s construction to its limits. Granted, no one bends like this in an everyday scenario, and it’s a bit of a surprise that the iPad he splits in two. Do not stand or sit on objects. Nelson points out that the iPad’s weak point seems to be the keyboard connector point on the side of the device.

With a broken iPad in hand, Nelson looks inside to complete the video. This presents some surprises, such as the abundance of empty space and the speakers being set a little farther from the holes in the grille.

For a complete review of a brand new iPad 10th generation with no sharp objects or burning flames, visit Digital trends have you covered.

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