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Stone Garrett, 28, suffered a season-ending injury (be left fibula fracture) Although he was transferred in August 2023, the Nationals outfielder signed as a free agent at the end of 2022 and is now in DC with a batting average of .269/.343/.457, 17 doubles, 9 home runs, and a batting average of 82. has finished its first season. He played in 89 games, had a strikeout and 26 walks in 271 at-bats.

Garrett continued his rehabilitation all winter, but early in spring training, Washington coach Davey Martinez took a cautious approach in getting Garrett back on the field for games after sustaining severe lower leg and ankle injuries. He said he is doing so.

Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images

“We’re going to develop him. I hope he’s ready for opening day. He’s accomplished a lot,” Martinez explained on the first day of camp last month. did.

“We had to check all the boxes with him.”

“It will be a progression, but we will push him,” the manager added.

“He wants to be pushed. He’s hitting and seems to be hitting really well. So we’re not going to hold him back.

“He’s going to decide when he wants to leave and we’re going to keep a close eye on him. So we’re going to progress every day and see where he is towards the end. [Spring Training.]”

Starting the fight in West Palm Beach, Florida, Martinez said he would continue to reassure Garrett.

“Again, we want to make sure he’s 100 percent before we put him out there and start doing it in earnest. But he seems to be feeling good,” Martinez said. Told.

“Look, he worked hard all winter to get ready. I think he’s in a good position. At this point, I think he could be ready for Opening Day. And we think so.”

Since WPB has all the major league players and minor league players alike, Martinez said there will be plenty of opportunities to step up to bat even if he doesn’t play in a Grapefruit League game right away.

“We’re probably going to make it easier for him to get in,” Martinez explained. “Once the minor leaguers come in and they get ready and start, we [Garrett] Stand at bat as often as necessary. You can do a lot of things. So now I’m looking at his performance today and he looked good, he’s progressing, I saw him doing outfield work and He looked really good, but as far as putting him in the game, we’ll see how he does. ”

“It’s going to take a while before we really feel comfortable having him in a game, but we’re definitely moving in the right direction,” Martinez said.

Photo by Rich Story/Getty Images

Garrett has been seeing more at-bats in the backfield, and Martinez spoke about his progress this week.

“He’s actually playing against a minor league team hitting-wise,” the manager said. Quoted by MASN’s Bobby Blanco.

“We haven’t put him on the field yet. But he’s getting better. He’s running the bases a lot better. His side-to-side movement has gotten better. So, as I said earlier, Like, I hope we can progress him. Hopefully by the time we get out of here he’ll be ready. But time will tell.”

Garrett showed more pitching this week in another Red-White game, but struggled a little while running the bases.

“He’s struggling a little bit, yeah,” Martinez admitted again, As quoted by MASN’s Bobby Blanco.

“Like I said, it takes time. I think the fear factor is also what really attracts him. When we finally get him on the field and chase the ball during the game, he He’s going to have to get through that too. But God bless him. He’s going to work all day. He’s one of the first people to come here and he’s going to get himself right. He will stay here for many hours after receiving treatment for his condition. But he will be ready.”

But as always, the Nationals will have to continue to be patient with Garrett.

“This is progress,” Martinez told reporters. “We had to be patient and let him go through the process.”

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