Want to retire with $2 million in 20 years? Here’s the exact salary you need if you invest just 15%

Many Americans dream of saving enough eggs when planning for retirement. Like 2 million dollars.. Achieving this financial milestone requires strategic planning, realistic goal setting, and a clear understanding of investment returns. So how much do you need to earn to comfortably reach this milestone?

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Ideal salary with $2 million in retirement benefits

One of the more realistic approaches to retiring with $2 million in 20 years is: get a higher salary While maintaining a consistent savings strategy. For example, if your annual salary is $165,000 and you save 15% each year, you’ll save about $24,750 each year. Assuming an annual rate of return of 6% for him, this plan would be enough to help him reach his $2 million goal by the time he retires. This rate of return is considered achievable and is consistent with historical averages for mixed asset portfolios.

The reality of average income earners

However, most Americans earn close to the national average of about $60,000. If someone with this income saved 15% a year, they would save $9,000 a year. With this annual savings he will need an investment return of approximately 21.44% for him to accumulate $2 million over 20 years.

Because of this income, this rate is very ambitious and significantly exceeds typical returns from the stock market and mixed-asset investments, which have historically hovered around 6-8%. Such high returns imply very high risks and are often associated with speculative investments and ventures.

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What it means for the average investor

The vast differences in required investment returns illustrate the significant challenges faced by the average earner striving for a $2 million retirement fund. This highlights the importance of adjusting retirement expectations and annual income increases, or considering investments with higher potential returns, but which may involve increased risks that may not be suitable for everyone. there is.

For many people, more achievable approaches might include raising your savings rate slightly higher, working longer, or adjusting your retirement savings goals. for example, $1 million retirement package If your salary is $60,000 and your savings rate is 15%, you need a more manageable and realistic return for average market conditions.

plan for success

A $2 million retirement fund is a worthy goal, but it requires a large income or an aggressive investment strategy. Most people find success with a combination of:

Consult a financial advisor can help you create a personalized plan that takes into account your income, risk tolerance, and desired retirement lifestyle. Remember, with careful planning and realistic goals, a secure retirement is achievable.

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*This information is not financial advice. To make informed decisions, we recommend individual guidance from a financial advisor.

Jeannine Mancini has been writing about personal finance and investing for the past 13 years for a variety of publications including Zacks, The Nest, and eHow. She is not a licensed financial advisor and the content herein is for informational purposes only and does not and does not constitute investment advice or investment services. She Mancini believes that the information contained herein is reliable and obtained from reliable sources, but makes no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information; There are no guarantees or promises.

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This article Want to retire with $2 million in 20 years? Here’s the exact salary you need if you invest just 15% originally appeared Benzinga.com

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