we can do everything yoga And positive affirmations were made all over the world, But that doesn’t mean all of us don’t experience terrible anxiety from time to time (or often). We all know that stress can run the show, but the next time you feel that common anxiety that creeps up out of nowhere and completely ruins your day, consider body scan meditation. is one way he thwarts that anxiety.

This simple approach is great to keep in your mental toolbox. Body scan meditation is very simple but highly effective and takes only 30 seconds. In a very short amount of time, it can ground you and reduce anxiety almost instantly.

What are the benefits of body scan meditation?

Anxiety often feels like a battle being waged in your head, but in reality you can’t separate the mental from the physical. The two are much more intertwined than we think.

Body scan meditation is a spiritual practice, but it allows us to return to our physical body, slow down, and calm down when our thoughts are rushing or frantic. Like all forms of meditation, even a super simple body scan can train you to pause your swirling thoughts and focus on the present moment, even if it’s just for a few seconds.

Have you ever noticed that when you’re gripped by anxiety, external situations feel like they’re happening to you in the abstract? When you return to your physical body with a body scan, you notice stiffness in your neck, tightness in your shoulders, and breathing problems. You can notice the feelings of anxiety that are manifesting in your body, such as shallowness.

Body scan meditation reminds us that we are in the driver’s seat and that nothing is permanent.

Being aware of these feelings (we’ll show you how in a moment) can make your anxiety feel more tangible and easier to deal with.

Body scan meditation reminds us that we are in the driver’s seat and that nothing is permanent. When we become aware of our physical feelings (notice where we are tense, let our bodies soften and relax), we are strongly reminded that all experiences are dynamic and life is always changing. It reminds me.

What’s another big benefit of a body scan? If you identify as a Type A person, you may often find that you have a brain that never cools down. Doing a body scan meditation is a great way to channel this energy.

By giving yourself productive “tasks,” you can quiet the recurring thoughts and negative self-talk in your mind. Plus, it just feels good!

Follow these five steps to practice body scan meditation to reduce anxiety.

1. Get comfortable

First and foremost, get comfortable, whether you’re lounging on the couch or a meditation pillow or heading outside to soak up some sunshine. Keeping both feet firmly planted on the ground helps increase connection and grounding.

Are you out or away from home? no problem.

A great benefit of doing body scan meditation is that you can participate in it literally anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re feeling stressed at your desk job, sitting at a red light (always stay alert!), or having negative thoughts at the gym, as long as it’s safe to do so, your body You can immerse yourself in scanning meditation. Whenever I feel the need.

2. Find your breath

Take a few deep breaths. If you’re feeling anxious up to your neck, it might be time to remember to take some really deep breaths and get super hot. . . All the way to your stomach (4 seconds in, 4 seconds off, 4 seconds out is a good starting point).

Whenever you’re struggling to find your breath, use these four go-to breathing exercises for meditation, stress relief, and overall health.

3. Become an observer

Just notice the sensations in your body without trying to judge or change what you observe. Are your shoulders stiff? Is your jaw tightened? Do you feel pressure in your neck?

Just observe what you feel. You might be shocked when you stop and realize how much stress you’ve been under without even realizing it. But again, don’t judge. Just observe.

4. Notice more

Once you notice the sensation, pay attention to other things, such as:

  • hand temperature
  • The feel of clothes against your body
  • the ground beneath your feet
  • The smell and feel of the air around you

All of these objective observations will help you increase your mindfulness and center yourself when you feel your anxiety dissipate.

5. Give yourself permission to relax

Slowly relax your body from head to toe.

Start by relaxing your facial muscles, jaw, neck, and shoulders. Your tongue and throat may also be suffering from anxiety, so keep them soft. Relax into your toes as you continue to breathe deeply.

Yoga is also a great tool for managing anxiety.Try yoga for anxiety: Practice these 8 poses to reduce anxiety in minutes

Use this quick body scan meditation as your new go-to tool to fight anxiety

Are you new to meditation or do you think this is a bit abstract? If it helps you improve your concentration and focus, you can totally use guided body scan meditation. As with all types of meditation, there is no right or wrong way. So whether you use the guided version or just sit silently by yourself, you’re doing it right.

If you like the feel of this quick body scan meditation, you can always take it to the next level and continue it for 5 to 10 minutes or even longer. Practicing a body scan is a great way to start your day, calm yourself during your lunch break, or relax before bed.

Try this gentle mind-guided meditation in your YA class to improve your anxiety-fighting skills!

breathwork class

and Karisa Banuelos

all levels

Learning how to feel and soothe anxiety takes a long-term commitment, but it’s worth it. Add a simple body scan meditation to your anti-anxiety toolbox on a regular basis to help you stay your most zen version of yourself.

For more anxiety-reducing tools, check out: Looking for natural anxiety relief? Try these 5 effective treatments

This article has been read over 8,000 times. Feel the love!



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