Tylenol is relatively inexpensive Over-the-counter medicines for various ailments. However, on a recent TikTok, a shopper warned that the drug contains ingredients that could harm users.

and trending videoPadden Ferguson (@padiano) — whose account is dedicated to reviewing food labeling — revealed that popular pain relievers include Red Dye 40. As of Monday night, his video has been viewed more than 837,200 times.

“The box isn’t the only thing red in this Tylenol,” said Mr. Ferguson, holding out a red box of Tylenol. Tylenol Extra Strength capsule. He then turned over a box of 100 caplets and checked the ingredient list. “It says Red 40, as it says on the box.”

@ Padiano Guys, it’s not just about food! Check your medicine. #Padiano #strange ingredients #artificial dyes #Discover Walmart ♬ Original song – Paden Ferguson

in the meantime there is a report that artificial colors may be linked to behavioral problems in some children; they have generally speaking error exposed. Still, according to Cleveland Clinic, Red Dye 40 “contains benzene, a known carcinogen.” The journal also cited a study that found a correlation between benzene consumption in animals and tumor growth.

For viewers looking for a cost-effective alternative, Ferguson suggested Genexa.

“This won’t cost you a dime. Check it out,” he said. “This is the Genexa brand.

The content creator then placed two medicine chests side by side, showing viewers that both contained 100 capsules of the same potency. Same price at Walmart, about $11 each. What are the main differences? Genexa contained no dyes.

“If you buy this brand, buy it at Walmart,” Ferguson advised. “Some are more expensive elsewhere.”

The Daily Dot reached out to Walmart via email for comment.

Meanwhile, Ferguson told the Daily Dot on Monday: This has resulted in a new range focused on finding artificial dye-free alternatives to traditional name brand products. ”

“One of the biggest complaints from my followers was that it was more expensive to buy products without artificial colors. …Our family uses Genexa whenever we can find a replacement. but they are usually more expensive than the traditional big names,” he added. “When I went to Walmart last week, I noticed that Genexa and Tylenol are priced exactly the same. there was.”

In his TikTok comments section, several users questioned why Tylenol had Red Dye 40 in the first place.

“Damn! Do I have to check my meds too?” exclaimed one viewer.

“Why do things have so much color when they are as ineffective as medicine?” asked another.

“Why put it in Tylenol?!?!” asked a third party.

*First published: May 22, 2023, 7:26 PM (CDT)

Jack Alban

Jack Alban is a freelance journalist for The Daily Dot covering relationship trends and social media stories and how real people are reacting to them. He strives to create not-so-average viral posts, always incorporating evidence-based research, current affairs, and facts related to these stories.



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