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As you know, Donald Trump was arraigned in a Manhattan court today. The former president will return to Florida at this time and will speak from Mar-a-Lago soon. I feel like this is important. So we’ll cover him live as soon as he starts speaking. But before we get there, it’s worth understanding what we just saw. Often the clearest view of our country comes from outside our borders. With distance comes clarity. With that in mind, El Salvador’s President Naive Bukele posted on Twitter today.

Naive Bukele: Think about what you want about former President Trump and why he’s being indicted. But imagine if this happened in any other country where the government has arrested a major opposition candidate.

Thousands of miles from New York City in the heart of Central America. It’s pretty clear what happened in that Manhattan courthouse. It’s clear to many Democrats, too. Trump has faced criminal charges as he plans to challenge Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election. It’s really that simple. If Donald Trump had retired in 2020, would he have been arraigned today? The top Democrats know that. Some actually do. The liberal blog Politico published an article this morning describing what it called a senior adviser to President Joe Biden and predicted that Trump would be the Republican nominee. You will lose the general election. Thanks to this criminal case, the Biden White House believes swing voters, a key voter in the presidential election, are “currently and permanently out of Trump’s reach.”

And to keep swing voters from falling out of Trump’s reach, Donald Trump is set to return to the New York courtroom with a media circus just weeks before the first Republican primary. This is the most audacious attempt at election interference in the history of this country. And if you doubt it, if you think it’s probably on the level, I encourage you to take a close look at the indictment released today, which you’ve probably heard, Donald Trump He is indicted on 34 counts. Upon closer inspection, these crimes were found to be the same crime repeated 34 times, the crime being “first-degree falsification of business records.”

Manhattan DA therefore alleges that Donald Trump transferred his money to various people for various perfectly legal reasons, which his office records did not properly account for. That is what he is accused of. And even if Alvin Bragg had said Trump did, or indeed he did, Trump could not be prosecuted for it because the statute of limitations had expired. How Bragg dragged Donald Trump into court. Well, he did it, claiming Trump falsified business records as a means of violating other, more serious laws. Alvin Bragg today.

Trump faces up to 136 years in prison after 34 charges

Alvin Bragg: Under New York State law, it is a felony to falsify business records to cover up fraud or another crime. That’s exactly what this case is about. 34 false statements made to cover up other crimes. Whoever you are, these are felonies in New York State. We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal behavior. Defendants repeatedly made false statements about their New York business records. He also let other people make false statements.

Here’s what Bragg said, in case you didn’t pay attention to the lecture. Donald Trump did not commit a crime by altering business records, but by altering them to cover up another, more serious crime, or to deceive someone. . Let’s look at this in order. What are the more serious crimes? I don’t know because Bragg didn’t tell me. No crimes this serious are listed in the indictment. And critically, this is really the point. Donald Trump has not been charged with another more serious crime. So what we have as of tonight is an indictment that does not allege a specific violation of law.

What about the fraud allegations Bragg made on television? Well, Bragg alleges Trump sent money to Stormy Daniels to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. , he attempted to “fool voters.” Well, it turned out to be the actual crime in the book.By the way, Bragg alleges that Donald Trump committed a campaign finance violation, which is a federal crime. The thing is, he didn’t commit any campaign finance violations. No one, including the Federal Election Commission, which investigated the matter, claims he did. So, as a legal matter, the lawsuit filed today – 34 felonies makes absolutely no sense. But as a political tactic, that’s exactly what it is, and it’s likely to be effective, which is why the media enthusiastically endorse it.

Liberal Media Who Helped Donald Trump Indictment Knocked Out: ‘Show Restraint’

MSNBC Political Analyst: A sort of alliance between different groups with histories of being expropriated and discriminated against, whether they be Jewish, Black American, or LGBT people. We may unite against the white Christian nationalist attacks on American democracy.

MSNBC Contributor: But I don’t know what role this man will play in the future of our democracy.

MSNBC Guest: this disinformation campaign It continuously undermines our democracy.

CNN guest: oneOne day people will look back and see how we handled this with this Trump issue and how it affects our democracy could be a really big, big deal. I would say that it has the potential to be a major turning point in some way.

MSNBC Guest: Federal prosecutors say this is a crime that endangers our democracy.


It therefore endangers our democracy. And we care so much about democracy that we prevent other party’s leading candidates from running for president and prevent voters from voting for him. Note that there is not a single word here about crimes that imply violation of statues. So what is this really about? You may have heard MSNBC guest Peter Beinert describe today’s circus in Manhattan as part of a larger offensive by the Victims Coalition. Well, if you’re waiting to hear the real motive here, wait no more. Does that sound like justice to you, or tribal justice?



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