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Two years ago today, I got a call from a Capitol Hill police officer. michael bird Shot an unarmed woman in the neck. At the time of that killing, Byrd had a documented history of gross negligence with firearms: he left a loaded Glock his pistol in the public men’s restroom at the Capitol. But somehow, Michael Byrd was still in the force that day. The woman he killed was called Ashley Babbitt.

Babbitt was a US military veteran who had been married for 14 years. She used to run a pool cleaning company with her husband in San Diego. Physically, she was small. She wasn’t even armed. Michael Byrd later admitted that there was absolutely no indication that Babbitt had a weapon. She posed no visible threat to her. He killed her anyway.

Under normal circumstances, Byrd would have been summarily fired and apparently charged with murder, but that was not the case. Congressional Police, led by Nancy Pelosi, declared Byrd a national hero after essentially conducting no investigation into the shooting, a move the media strongly agreed with.

Byrd went on television, embracing the acclaim and complaining about racism. He was never punished for killing Ashley Babbitt. he was rewarded for it. Ashley Babbitt’s mother, on the other hand, received a very different kind of treatment. Babbitt’s mother was arrested by Capitol Police in Washington today. her crime? About to hold a memorial service for her daughter.

January. 6 Commission Releases Social Security Numbers of Trump Officials and Supporters: Report

Two years later, Ashley Babbitt – her death – was clearly the most important event that happened in the US Capitol that day, but at the same time, it was the least talked about event. January 6. why? Well, what they told you happened on his January 6th because the facts about what really happened on January 6th confuse the lies and those lies are the Biden administration. and has proven to be very useful for permanent Washington.

Based entirely on a fabricated myth about what happened that day, the Biden Department of Defense conducted an unprecedented political purge of the entire U.S. military. The FBI and various intelligence agencies tightened their control over the American media, and most obviously, the DOJ prosecuted and imprisoned hundreds of non-violent political protesters whose crimes they held wrong. The merciless January 6th lie has allowed some of our nation’s most nefarious people to mock our Bill of Rights and steal our nation’s core freedoms. bottom.

That’s why they can’t talk about Ashli ​​Babbitt.When you talk about Ashli ​​Babbitt, it becomes very clear who the real culprits are and who remains the real threat to this country, and they are one Not a protester on the 6th of May. Instead, they lie about what happened that day, and they do it in the most daring way possible, unabashedly with the utmost aggression. Hakeem Jeffries, leader of the House Democratic Party says five police officers were killed on January 6, but the actual total is actually zero.

Hakeem Jeffries: We gather here to honor their memory and express our deep gratitude for the tremendous courage of the hundreds of officers who protected us on that fateful day in the Citadel of Democracy. Five brave officers lost their lives as a result of the events of the 6th of May.

Five brave officers were lost, he said. Everyone in the picture you just saw knows that’s not true, so it’s almost impossible to believe that an adult could stand behind him like he said. not an interpretation. It’s a blatant lie. No police officers died on January 6. period. Ashli ​​Babbitt said he was murdered on January 6th, but our grandchildren may not know about it. Because the lie you just heard is likely to be recorded as true by history simply because it has been repeated too often. Every man in authority has said the same thing firmly during his two years. As our totally disingenuous Attorney General recently said, “We will never forget the five police officers who selflessly responded on January 6th and then lost their lives.” Biden repeated that lie from the White House today.

On January 6, the House Committee released its 814-page final report recommending that Donald Trump be barred from running in 2024.

President Joe Biden walks out of the White House with First Lady Jill Biden to speak to reporters at Marine One in South Lawn, Washington, DC, December 27, 2022.
(Anna Moneymaker)

President Biden: These people and those who represent those who could not be here because they gave their lives for this are incredibly important. It’s a historical fact.

“It’s a historical fact,” Joe Biden is making up history to lie. They have been telling the same lies since the first day of January 6, 2021, as if it were a coordinated operation. Remember when they told you Officer Brian Schicknick was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher?

Frederica Whitfield, CNN: Officer Siknik was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and died.

CNN Reporter: Schicknick died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

Ana Cabrera, CNN: Officer Brian Schicknick died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the hours-long attack.

Nicole Wallace, MSNBC: They beat a police officer in the Capitol to death with a fire extinguisher.

Anderson Cooper, CNN: Officer Brian Schicknick died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the fight.

Craig Melvin, MSNBC: He died at age 42 after being hit with a fire extinguisher.

Donald Trump sued by fallen Capitol Police Officer Brian Schicknick’s girlfriend

That wasn’t true, and we eventually learned the fact, thanks to the District of Columbia’s coroner, that Brian Schicknick died of a stroke well after the Jan. 6 protests. He wasn’t beaten to death, but he didn’t stop lying or even slow down.

Joe Biden just presented the serving officers with the Presidential Citizens Medal, one of the nation’s highest civilian awards, on Jan. 6. This includes the officers who opened the doors of the Capitol to so-called rebels, the officers who let them inside. He was then rewarded by the President of the United States.

“What’s going on here?” you might ask. Well, don’t ask. We are not allowed to know what is going on here, nor are we allowed to know the very overt covert role of federal agencies in facilitating the events of January 6th. Even though the Commission has been pushed over his year, much remains unexplained from that day.

For example, do you remember the pipe bombers that planted explosives outside the Democratic National Committee? Turns out it was under the bench at the same moment I was there. So how did the U.S. Secret Service miss a bomb in plain sight during a security sweep? To this day, the FBI refuses to release all security footage. so I can’t answer that.

why? what’s going on Revolver News asked an almost unconventional question among news outlets.

Revolver news: For some reason the pipe bomber looks at the camera from the front. It’s very frustrating because we can’t see the moment the pipe bomber plant the pipe bomb, but the FBI can. Because it needs to be captured much more clearly. Camera 1 has a clear shot of both benches. If the FBI released the full tape from Camera 1, we could see the pipe bomber planting the bomb.

Capitol Police Officer Brian Schicknick’s mother blames ‘people like Kari Lake’ for his death

So someone planted a bomb outside the headquarters of the two major political parties in this country. It seems like a big story, but no one, including the FBI, will ever mention it again. We do not disclose height, weight, shoe size, etc. If they want to catch this person, aren’t they telling you all they can about who it is? What was Kamala Harris doing there and why did she lie that she was there? We cannot answer those questions. You should be able to.

Nor does anyone in authority want to talk about Ray Epps. Ray Epps, of course, is the man caught on tape both on January 5th and 6th urging the crowd outside the Capitol to rush inside and commit a felony. , the committee on January 6, under public pressure, finally interviewed Ray Epps. We do not currently have all of the Committee’s records of that interview. I should, but I don’t. But some have been released, and what they tell is an amazing story.

In the testimony we have, the commission instructs Ray Epps on how to answer questions about his involvement. Coordinated. I helped get people there.”

Now, Epps confirmed it in a text message to relatives on Jan. 6. he admits to the crime He was never even charged with those crimes. But what is very interesting is that when an interview with the Commission revealed these facts, someone on the Commission responded: At this point when you sent this text you turned away because you saw some things you disagreed with. Because I’m concerned about taking it in a different direction. ”


Is this the most important question ever asked in the history of congressional hearings? And the whole interview goes like this. Remember, Ray Epps was one of the few people caught on camera encouraging others to break the law that day. He is one of his few, never prosecuted, and the 6th January Commission was on his side.

Why did the Commission and its members work so hard to help Ray Epps? In an interview with the Commission, Ray Epps said he doesn’t work for law enforcement. law enforcement – A very specific worded answer that I thought clearly beforehand.

Did he talk to US government officials about January 6th before it happened? Two years after January 6th, we know that Ray Epps is still a free man, long after so many people were in jail for roaming around the Capitol. He was never prosecuted and was rarely held in solitary confinement like so many others. why is that?

Well, stop lying. At this point, it’s clear why. But of course they still lie about it.



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