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Sometimes I wonder how filthy and dishonest our news media are. We take a shower and you think they’re bad, but how bad are they?

Well, here’s one measure of their badness. You can try this at home. Is there a news organization you know of that is corrupt enough to try to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertiser? , should not be trusted. what would that look like? Corruption at that level?

Now, imagine the Trump administration requiring American citizens to purchase MyPillow. This is one of Fox News’ biggest advertisers. Imagine that the administration hurriedly declared that he would ban eating out unless he bought one MyPillow and then booster he bought one. I was unable to re-enter my country. You couldn’t get a well-paid job. They told you with a straight face that MyPillow is the very cornerstone of our nation’s public health system.

China accuses US of ‘biological military activity’ in Ukraine

Now imagine they said Fox endorsed it as a news agency and amplified the government’s message. Fox News attacked anyone who refused to buy his MyPillow as an ally of Russia as an enemy of science, despite mounting evidence that MyPillow caused heart attacks, fertility problems, and deaths. Imagine Fox continuing those slanderous attacks. If Fox News did that, how would you feel about Fox News? Can you trust us? Of course you don’t. You know we were liars.

Thankfully Fox News never did that, but other channels did. Other channels took hundreds of millions of dollars from big pharmaceutical companies to promote sketchy products on air and denigrate those who were skeptical of those products. At least this was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened all over the American news media. they all did it.

So the question at this point isn’t who is corrupt in public life? Too many to count. The question is who is telling the truth. there aren’t many of of them is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Robert Kennedy knew early on that the COVID vaccine was ineffective and potentially dangerous, so he said so publicly to the extent he was allowed to. Since then, science has been the work of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Well. definitely correct.

However, Kennedy was not rewarded for this. he was slandered. He was censored because the press called Bobby Kennedy a Nazi and dared to criticize their advertisers. They attacked his family, which he continued. he wasn’t scared This is one of those moments where he was glad to have a truth teller by his side. This is useful as suddenly the stakes are very high.

Given what is happening in Ukraine, a topic few of us know much about, as no details have been reported. Every US media outlet, from USA Today to the New York Times, has reported that the US government has funded a secret biolab in Ukraine. A year ago I said it was a dangerous conspiracy theory to believe there was. The idea was absurd.In fact it was Russian disinformation

And then one day, in sworn testimony, State Department official Tria Nuland mistakenly admitted that it was true. I am very concerned that the military may be trying to control them.

China accuses US of ‘biological military activity’ in Ukraine

Hold on, you may be wondering why the US government maintains a secret biolab in a primitive country like Ukraine. Why not in Austria? why Ukraine? And why didn’t the secret biolab be dismantled and removed when the war with Russia began? No one explained that this show was attacked for asking questions.

Now we know it’s actually a lot worse than just a biolab. and no, we are not making it up. They recognized it today. clock.

Nada Bashir, CNN Reporter: The Zaporizhiya nuclear power plant, which is still operated by Ukrainian staff, is under the control of the Russian military and is now controlled by the Russian state nuclear company Rosatom. So this is a serious concern. In essence, in this CNN-scrutinized letter sent to Rosatom by the US Department of Energy, the US government is essentially warning Moscow not to touch the region’s nuclear power plants.

There are many questions here, but let’s start with the biggest one. What exactly is “classified American nuclear technology”? Sensitive US nuclear technology? It doesn’t produce energy. No one in the media is going to ask that question, but when it’s in the middle of Ukraine in the middle of a war, it stands to reason that this highly classified American nuclear technology has military applications. So these are nuclear weapons. What else do you have? Stop guessing here, but take three steps back. This is all so crazy and reckless that it’s hard to believe it’s even happening.

Here, a Democratic president is prosecuting a war that goes completely off track, has completely existentially dangerous consequences, and only hurts the United States—a war that benefits nothing. It’s terrible to see, but it’s not unprecedented.

Something similar happened 55 years ago in 1968. This was a very tumultuous and ugly year in American history with many parallels to this one. That spring in March 1968, former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Sr., brother of the murdered president, announced his candidacy against his incumbent fellow Democrat Lyndon Johnson. then in progress. This is from an announcement by Robert Kennedy Sr.

It looks like Aaron Rodgers is endorsing RFK JR.for president

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at an event announcing his presidential run at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in Boston on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds) (AP)

Robert F. Kennedy SR: I am announcing today that I will be running for president of the United States. I stand for new policies, policies to end the bloodshed in Vietnam and our cities, between blacks and whites, between rich and poor, between young and old, and between this country and the rest of the world. Run for policies to fill existing gaps. world. I am running for President because I want the Democratic Party and the United States to stand up for hope instead of despair, for human reconciliation rather than the increased risk of world war.

To be clear, Robert F. Kennedy was not against all wars in principle. He was against the war. That’s because there was a lot of evidence and he believed it did nothing for the United States, but you weren’t allowed to say it. Party leaders hated him for it, but Democrats in general loved him. They put a picture of his face in the house like an icon. Eventually, they named his football stadium after him in Washington. That was over half a century ago. Of course, he was murdered in his June of that year, but now Kennedy’s son is launching a similar challenge to his own party for similar reasons. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced today that he is running for president in the primary against Joe Biden. Here are some of what he said.

Robert F. Kennedy JR: Initially, the purpose was said to be humanitarian. Many of the measures we have taken in Ukraine seem to indicate that we are more concerned with prolonging the war than shortening it. So, if that is the goal, impoverishing the Russian people by causing regime change is the complete opposite of a humanitarian mission.

It should be the face of extremism, but it’s not extreme. Rational, calm and well thought out. Bobby Kennedy himself is not extreme. He is deeply insightful and above all honest. It doesn’t matter what you think about the substance of what he says.

For example, here is his recent analysis of the Biden administration’s foreign policy: The big picture: “The collapse of US influence over Saudi Arabia and the kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran is a disastrous failure of the neoconservative strategy to maintain US global hegemony through aggressive military projection. China has replaced the American empire by skillfully projecting its economic power in its place. China has spent building the same across the developing world. The Ukraine War is the final downfall of the neoconservative short lived the American century.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Inauguration Wins Significant Numbers of Biden Voters: Poll

Well, you might agree with that analysis. Maybe you don’t. In any case, if you are an honest person, this is exactly what happened in our history, the world around us, the world that is changing to our detriment, and how those changes are changing. I understand that it’s time for a serious adult conversation about how to respond.

Bobby Kennedy would love to have those conversations. He’s not running to get rich. He’s trying to make things better, but he’s not allowed to have that kind of conversation. Other media don’t even talk to him. He criticized their advertisers.

John King, CNN: Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed papers to run for president as a Democrat in 2024.

John Harwood, CNN: Watch on Fox News. You see it from Joe Rogan. I heard it from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. There are many dangerous people out there who have not accepted the fact that these vaccines protect people from dying from COVID.

Kurt Andersen, author of MSNBC: For years I have written about Robert Kennedy and other liberals who are ridiculous in their anti-vaccine, anti-science activism.


Joy Reid, MSNBC: People like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are people who have big platforms and are using them as antimasks and antivaccine.

he is extremehe is dangeroussaid one. Not there, note that there is no point-by-point refutation of his actual points anywhere. they can’t. they will lose Instead, they challenge his character.Well, that man they call dangerous is Joe Biden’s main opponent And their views do not change. are not allowed to speak.

we disagree with that. We’re not Democrats, but Bobby Kennedy is one of the most remarkable people we’ve met, and we’re honored to have him on our show.



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