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I don’t know how the idea of ​​”spring cleaning” got around to spreading, but around this time of year you and I and millions of people find themselves mysteriously hiding in attics and garages. It makes me want to rummage through the closets and boxes where they are. right? We hear ourselves saying, “It’s time to do something about all this.” So we participated and we’re mostly glad we did.

Whether you try now or another time, the reality is that if you don’t get your thing done, someone else will someday. That’s true. When you die, people will go through everything. . .your boxes and files, your browsing history, text messages and emails, your receipts and bank record, closet and junk drawers. Nothing is hidden from their interrogation. Nothing is over the limit.

everything will be on display.

The only thing kids want from you before you die

Those scavenging for your belongings, like my friend who found a large pile of cash in her late husband’s desk drawer, may be delighted with the treasure they’ve found. Or you may encounter a sad event. And since you’re not there to explain what’s confusing or apologize for your disappointing findings, these people may be unhappily surprised.

But here is a word of hope. “It’s never too late to do something about what survivors will find.”

When you die, people will go through everything. . . Your boxes and files, browsing history, texts and emails, receipts and bank records, closets and junk drawers. (St. Petersburg)

The late, world-famous thinker, apologist, speaker, and author was a friend of mine. That doesn’t mean we met once in the TV green room. he was really my friend.

As his literary agent, I worked on nearly every book he wrote, negotiating publisher contracts with my colleagues. He and I texted often, even when he was traveling around the world. Especially when he was traveling around the world.

In the spring of 2020, the week he died, I went through photos posted by his family. Social media, especially those near the end of life. I cried when I saw my friend fail.

When we die, people will experience us. all of us. Individual shreds. All.

But in the months that followed, problems began to surface with the once-respected man. secret. Disturbing news began to leak about his life, which turned out to have been lived in darkness. For decades, the shameful deeds he managed to hide from public view came to light. Few of those who thought he knew him best learned of his shadow life until after his death.

5 things your neighbors need to know before it’s too late

I mention this guy for one reason only. This is a point that you and I should never forget. When we die, people will experience us. all of us. Individual shreds. All.

Hide things in desks, closets, or in cardboard boxes in attics, basements, and warehouses. These will be collected. This audit may include electronic documentation or online. the words we said . . Or email us. . . Or text messages revealed, revealing what we said or wrote.

Evaluate your life carefully. Not only the parts that are visible to the public, but also the secrets that I thought would never be known. (St. Petersburg)

Jesus said of this future reality: “There is nothing hidden and unrevealed. What you say in the dark is heard in the light of day, and what you whisper in your ear comes to light. The inner room is announced from the roof. shall be” (Luke 12:2-3).

In short, “everything will come to light someday.”

Considering the reality that we hide things while we’re alive and people find out everything after we’re dead, this poem is like a fastball screaming at the chin. A warning about steroids.

Jesus knows people who spy on our archives after our bodies are at room temperature. When we die, there will be no more secrets.

So what’s the point here?

Now expose all your secrets to the light of day. Admit the truth about what you tried to hide. Before you say anything to anyone, tell God. God already knows all this, but waits for us to humbly confess. And when we do, God is willing to forgive, give us a fresh start, transform us, and redeem our past hurts. So let’s take it to the Lord first.


Then to those who are affected by these hidden things, your family members and loved ones, you have revealed this to Heavenly Father and now, with His forgiveness, they tell them you are asking for their forgiveness.

Now expose all your secrets to the light of day. Admit the truth about what you tried to hide.

Here is a simple diagram to help you take the plunge. Imagine that you are standing in a swimming hole in chest-deep water. You have a giant beach ball just below the surface of the water. No one knows it’s there because it’s invisible to others. However, it is tiring to keep holding the ball out of sight. Then you decide to let it go. When it does, it makes a big splash and almost explodes as it surfaces.

When you let go of what you’ve been holding back or hiding from others, the resulting droplets can feel messy and uncomfortable. But in the end, you will be relieved of the effort required to hide your secrets.

Make a decision now to stop living by lying. Let the truth come to light. Ask for help if you need it. It may be painful at first, but how painful it will be for those who stumble upon these secrets after you are gone, bewildered, heartbroken, and shocked. . . anger.

Remember what Jesus said about what was hidden in darkness will eventually come to light?

Evaluate your life carefully. Not only the parts that are visible to the public, but also the secrets that I thought would never be known. And one day, when the living look back on your life and find you nothing to be ashamed of, what a gift you will leave to those who know and love you. I guess.


It takes time to explore everything. But doing this will keep survivors from the headache and possibly the confusion and heartbreak of doing it without you. You’ve probably heard the saying, “There’s no disinfectant more powerful than sunlight.”

I think it works here, right?

Click here to read more about Robert Wolgemuth



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