BANGKOK: High risk groups such as children, individuals with illnesses, and the elderly are advised to avoid outdoor activities during the present heatwave, according to Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health.

A physician and spokesman from the ministry’s Department of Disease Control, Dr Veerawat Manosutthi, said there were 30 reported deaths from heatstroke from March to April this year.

“This year’s death toll is more than double last year’s 37 deaths involving the elderly and young children,“ he said in a statement today.

Dr Veerawat said outdoor activities should be limited from 11 am to 3 pm, and if one needs to go outside, it is important to drink water frequently – at least two glasses every hour.

“It is best to wear breathable clothing of light colours. Additionally, be alert of symptoms, such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, rapid breathing, trembling, redness of the face, and decreased sweating, as these may indicate a heatstroke,“ he said.

He said first aid should be administered to a heatstroke victim, including moving him into a cooler environment and applying water or ice packs to his forehead, neck, and armpits, and loosening his clothing.

The Thai media reported that temperatures in Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, hit above 40 degree Celsius last Wednesday and Thursday.



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