On the spectrum of professional experience for K-12 teachers, I’m definitely on the green side. Even before I entered college, I knew I had a passion for teaching, but the idea of ​​teaching K-12 education was always on my mind. It was not a realistic or appropriate occupation. For an Ivy League engineering graduate like me.

However, I joined a stream of colleagues entering the world of management consulting rather than industry or academia. Although I stayed in this position for only three years before returning to school to teach, my short stint in the corporate world helped me understand how teaching was treated as a calling rather than a job. I was able to go to the classroom with a perspective that allowed me to see everything that was going on. Career and its impact on school teachers.

This is important because teachers lack the structure and career development found in other industries and professions, and this is one of the major factors contributing to the collapse of the public education system. In comparison to my own experience and what I have learned from colleagues and former classmates in the consulting, finance, and technology industries, I find that the lack of career advancement opportunities in K-12 education is a major challenge for talented, motivated, and diverse I feel like it’s inhibiting the workforce. It hinders the long-term success of the education system.

More pointedly, teachers being viewed as saints and martyrs for the realities of their working conditions, rather than as serious professionals, is one of the greatest challenges facing K-12 education in the United States. This is one of the obvious problems.

We are no longer consulting, Toto…

During my short time in the consulting world, I was able to get a glimpse behind the curtain at how different industries operate. We learned that successful organizations require significant workforce, human capital, and strategic investment. As a new graduate, I am fortunate to “Up or out” culture We provided clear structures and routines for ongoing professional feedback, networking, and skill development. I also had great mentors who encouraged me to think about what I wanted in my career and shared their experiences and advice to further my professional growth.

In public education, growth options occur almost entirely outside the classroom, through administration, teacher education, curriculum development, and so on. One common path some teachers take to get promoted is to return to school and obtain a management qualification to become a principal or deputy principal, but this is an important turning point and career It’s a change.

I also have great mentors in education, but when I asked my closest mentor for constructive professional feedback before going on sabbatical, what she probably did was pull me out of the classroom and into leadership. All I could do was beg them not to. The aforementioned ways in which teachers try to move forward and advance in the field of education.

Clearly, there is very little formal growth in the educational field, and I believe that this is having an impact on retaining a highly skilled and diverse educational workforce. Bringing my perspective as a young professional to high school, I was able to understand what I wanted to do and achieve and what the system would reasonably allow me to get the results of my efforts. I was endlessly frustrated by the discrepancy.

feel stuck

Another thing I found difficult about this issue is that just being a teacher doesn’t mean much about the job description. No information is provided regarding specific working conditions, responsibilities, expectations, and compensation as these vary widely from school to school and even nationally.

Although I have only worked in one school, I have had the opportunity to work with math and science teachers from all over the country. From the poorest rural schools to the most elite boarding schools, I have been struck by the lack of incentive structures and clear paths for professional growth in the teaching profession that can be verbalized in meaningful ways on resumes and cover letters. , I started to feel more and more irritated.

Other fields offer structured opportunities for career growth in several ways, including but not limited to some type of organizational hierarchy, where promotions lead to increased compensation and different responsibilities. . This type of promotion from within and workforce investment and development isn’t true for all companies or industries, but in the teaching profession, it’s virtually non-existent.

Public school teachers are often geographically restricted by their pensions, so moving across state lines means losing out on hard-earned retirement benefits. In some states, Portfolio or observations required Teachers must complete to receive tenure, which does not necessarily guarantee a pay increase. After a certain number of years of teaching, dedicated teachers work incredibly hard for at least a full year to earn their certification. National Board Certificationbut first they have to pass a test – and, what’s more, the rewards may vary by state. California has scholarships Those who achieved this honor did not receive an actual raise. In many states, it is a purely symbolic title with no monetary compensation.

On the other hand, in my previous industry, I was able to seek out a more collaborative environment where many of my colleagues were able to earn competitive compensation and grow their careers. It is clear that not all companies and other jobs have these opportunities, but even changing employers to advance your career can be complicated for teachers. All of these hidden factors built into a decentralized education system can prevent teachers from having the same level of fluidity between schools and districts that their co-educated professional colleagues are accustomed to. There is a gender. Ultimately, this hinders educators’ ability to navigate the employment landscape in a way that fosters overall career growth and professional development.

put money where the labor is

Many industries operate on the fundamental principle of rewarding people for positive and sustained performance. In the many fragmented systems that make up the entire U.S. education system, talent and effort are often rewarded with heartwarming notes, the occasional staff pizza party, and more responsibility with ever-shrinking margins of real compensation. Just bring it. With this career lacking opportunities for growth, is it any wonder that recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty is a challenge for schools today?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with this problem. School districts and schools, whether public, private, or charter, are funded differently and have different ways of allocating their budgets. However, when considering how to improve schools and considering the current state and future of public education in the United States, policy makers and stakeholders who have the ability to effect change in schools and school districts rely on the professional The effectiveness of developing strong routes should not be underestimated. Teacher progress.

If we don’t create better systems that reward the extra work and additional roles that come with being a teacher, we risk creating even more of a feeling that being a teacher feels like a dead-end job. there is. I left the field with this conclusion, and I hope that myself and other colleagues will experience growth and receive the support they need to continue their careers.



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