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Editor’s Note: The following article first appeared city ​​journal.

The University of Texas equates “objectivity” with “white supremacy,” recommends the word “wimin” in place of “woman,” and equates “polyamory” and “polyfidelity” as positive sexual identities. Created a radical DEI bureaucracy that affirms.

Through a request for public records revealing the DEI bureaucracy’s astonishing conquest of a flagship state university in Texas, I obtained a cache of documents.

Change began in the aftermath of the George Floyd riots. When college officials adopted narratives of critical race theory, they argued that America was saturated with “white supremacy”. promoted the idea that “ism”, “worship of the written word” were all “characteristics of white supremacist culture”. The Department of History promoted the idea that academic research archives (the most solid domain imaginable) are actually riddled with “white supremacy” and that universities must “dismantle” it. As a professor of educational psychology and African and African Diaspora Studies explained, “White supremacy is so pernicious…it is the cause of virtually every disease we see within our community.”

University of Texas highlights feminist term ‘WIMMIN’ that women avoid ending with ‘MEN’: ‘makes conversation easier’

This story justified the massive expansion of the “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” program. His DEI bureaucracy at the University is embedded in virtually all administrative and academic departments. These programs employ dozens of full-time staff and organize hundreds of seminars, trainings, courses, reports, student groups, and political activities.

The University of Texas’ turn to the left began in the aftermath of the George Floyd riots. File: Aerial view of the University of Texas at Austin his campus at sunset. (iStock)

One example is the multicultural exchange center at the university. The MEC manages racially segregated student groups, hosts workshops on “social justice” activism, and identifies students as “agents of social change” as opposed to cool-headed and cautious academics. train to The program’s workshops follow the fundamental narratives of important race theories. America is a country defined by “systemic inequality”, a country where “some people get social benefits for their identities” and minorities “endure a constant barrage of microaggressions”. country. , “Microinsault”, “Microassault”, and “Microinvalidation”.

For the MEC, identity is the foundation of politics. The program’s workshop series begins by categorizing students along the axis of the oppressor and the oppressed, focusing on identity. In the ‘Power and Privilege’ training, the MEC administers a ‘Privilege Self-Assessment’ that includes checkboxes on race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

According to intersectionality theory, the “dominant group[s]”In other words, whites, straights, cisgender, men, and Christians occupy the role of oppressors and, as a result, must work to ‘equalize power.’ To that end, the MEC has proposed a series of “action steps” in which students are instructed to “acknowledge any privilege.” [they] have,” “stand on the side of those who are not privileged,” and “undermine the systems of oppression and privilege that hurt us all.”

The ultimate goal of this program is political activism. The MEC directly directs students to “lobbi, organize, campaign, protest, recognize, and act against both external and internal forms of oppression and privilege.” wing defender.

Another major ideology of the university DEI bureaucracy is radical gender theory. The Center for Gender and Sexuality is a center for perpetuating queer theory and transgender activism on campus. The GSC manages several student groups and activist programs, and American society is rife with “systemic, institutional, pervasive, intentional (or unconscious), and routine abuse” of women and sexual minorities. It promotes the story that there is

Sexuality training seminars began with “land recognition,” and white Europeans were “traditionally divided into Comanche, Coahuiltecan, Apache, Tonkawa, [and] As with race, the university promotes the idea that heterosexual students must atone for “cisgender privilege” and “heterosexual privilege.” On the other hand, according to the logic of intersectionality, managers promote adoption and automation. Non-normative affirmations of sexual identities such as “non-binary,” “pansexual,” “asexual,” “queer,” “transgender,” and “two-spirit.” All of these offer pathways to sexual liberation.

Following the ideology of queer theory, the GSC wants to “break the binary” between men and women. Universities discourage the use of terms such as “lady,” “gentleman,” “boy,” and “girl,” favoring genderless words and neologisms such as “babe friend” and “date friend.” doing. In addition, the University of Tokyo has prepared a guidebook on how to use pseudopronouns such as “they/them” and “ze/zir,” and instructs students to “apologize immediately” if they violate usage rules. Failure to do so could lead to serious consequences, with students being found violating official non-discrimination policies, administrators said.

Finally, the GSC published a guidebook on sexuality. It contains material that affirms the practice of “asexuality” and “polyamory.” In a document titled “Affirming Asexuality,” the university explains that “unlike celibacy, which people choose, asexuality is an essential part of who we are.” Students may be “greysexual,” who “rarely experience sexual attraction,” or even “demisexual,” who can “experience sexual attraction only after forming an intimate emotional bond with someone.” I have been instructed not to.

As a professor of educational psychology and African and African Diaspora Studies explained, “White supremacy is so pernicious…it is the cause of virtually every disease we see within our community.”

GSC also promotes ‘polyamory’ and ‘polyfidelity’. Universities describe these as “the practice of loving multiple people at the same time” and “a group in which every partner is first and foremost over all other partners, and where sexual fidelity is a priority over all other partners,” respectively. ” is expressed. group. “Sexuality that defies these norms is presented as glamorous and progressive, and colleges provide resources for students to “come out” as polyamory and navigate “multiple partner relationships and families.” The GSC includes recommendations for practicing “pagan polyamory,” inviting students to join local polyamory organizations that promote “kink-based social networking sites” and “live performances about sexuality.” tying.


The University of Texas at Austin wastes countless dollars on racial and gender narcissism. It has embraced all the delusions of the fashionable left, down to ridiculous word replacements like “wymin” that it recommends instead. “Avoid words ending with ‘-men’. ”

Texas voters who ensure conservatives in Austin’s legislature need not subsidize these left-wing programs. These programs add nothing to scholarship and indeed undermine the culture necessary for the pursuit of truth.His DEI bureaucracy at the university does not promote rigorous academic research output. They enforce ideological orthodoxy and encourage students to participate in partisan activities.


Lawmakers in Texas have taken note of the ongoing ideological capture and are now considering reforms that include a bill to eliminate the entire DEI bureaucracy in the public university system. This should be minimal. The conservative legislator should stop writing blank checks for on-campus activity and seize the opportunity to restore classic liberal educational principles to her UT system.

Universities will no doubt scream “academic freedom,” but legislators must remember that DEI employees are not acting as private individuals with strong free speech rights. They act in their capacity as publicly funded bureaucrats, subject to legislative oversight and reform. Texas legislators should not hesitate to remove all public funding from these programs.

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