Senate Reverend Barry Black called for action after a shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee on March 27 killed six people, including three students.

“I have heard, ‘You have my thoughts and prayers,’ and that is true of anyone who has been told, ‘Pray without ceasing.’ But when action is called for. I also know it’s coming,” Black said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

Black’s comments follow Democrats’ gun safety legislation following the Covenant School shooting that killed three adults and three children aged 9 before 28-year-old shooter Audrey Hale was shot dead by police. It followed a wave of calls for the reintroduction of

Black said he always tries to maintain a “spirit of prayer”, and continued that the “tipping point” for him was that the shooting took place at a church school.

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“It was a turning point for me to see nine-year-olds die in what was supposed to be a city of refuge, a place to prepare not just for time but for eternity,” Black said.

Senate pastor Barry Black has called for action after a shooting at a Covenant school in Nashville killed six people, including three students. (Sarah L. Voisin/Washington Post via Getty Images/Files)

Black, who has served as a Senate chaplain since 2003, declined to say whether he faced criticism from senators after he said “thoughts and prayers are not enough” in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. said members of the 118th Congress who attended his Bible study agreed to “fast and pray” about the shootings and “how to make this matter better.”

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Speaking of people’s perceptions of the government, Black said, “It’s a difficult time that people are going through, and they want the government to somehow ease their pain.

On March 30, 2023, a memorial was placed outside Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, for the six victims of the shooting. (KR/Mega for Fox News Digital/File)

“I don’t have to walk into a Walmart, as a Senate chaplain or as a citizen, looking around to see if AR-15s start spraying bullets.? Our father or Ave Maria?” Black said. rice field.

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Efforts to reintroduce gun laws have gained momentum since the shootings, with the White House calling on Congress to “do something.” The Mental Health Crisis Facing the Nation What gun laws can’t fix.

The move to reintroduce gun laws has gained momentum since the shootings, with President Joe Biden calling on Congress to “do something.” (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Centeta/Files)

“How many more lives must be lost before Congress takes action?” Massachusetts Democratic Senator Ed Markey said at a press conference days after the shooting. . “How many families do we have to tear apart?”


Republicans have previously opposed increased funding for gun violence research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, arguing that such efforts would lead to “propaganda” for gun confiscation.

Fox News’ Chris Pandolfo contributed to this report.



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