Scottish cat lovers can sigh of collective relief. The Scottish government will not ban cats from the country’s homeland Estimated 840,000 pet cats. John Swinney’s first minister later issued a statement Report published by the Scottish Animal Welfare Committee on January 27th He said cats are a threat to the country’s wildlife. The committee proposed measures to reduce damages, including property restrictions – some interpreted as cats and all the rumoured people It will soon be spread online.
“There are reports being produced by external organizations. This has come to the government for consideration.” Swinney said on the radio. “Let’s clear this today. The government is not going to ban cats or limit cats. We’re not going to do so, we’re not doing that.”
Outdoor cats are considered invasive species, which can destroy the environment by killing native bird species and small mammals like squirrels and mice. It can also spread diseases such as rabies and parasitic infections. Cats are the main hosts of parasites Toxoplasmagondi. Most of them get infected by chance It will infect cat feces and consume parasites. Most infected people Toxoplasmagondi Although you should not experience symptoms, severe infections can damage the brain, eyes and other organs.
in 2022Poland officially listed its domestic cats as “invasive invasive species” due to environmental impact. Cats are thought to have been the most destroyed in Australia More than other continents they are presumed to have driven. Extinction from 27 native animals It began in 1788 since its colonization.
However, including some countries Italy, Austriaand Japan There is a law in books that protect cats, especially wild cat colonies. There are an estimated 76.5 million cats living in the USowned by multiple households. Pet ownership, vaccination, and castration/castration rules vary by state Rhode Island is the only state that requires a cat license.
In their report, the Animal Welfare Committee in Scotland said every year cats Kill at least 27 million birds and other animals All over the UK. The government has recommended that you consider leaning or indoor breeding your cat as one way to protect endangered species, including Scottish wildcats. Some of the different things Measurement of “cat containment” It was listed as “limits for introducing cats into households in vulnerable areas.”
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Cat protectionThe UK’s largest cat charity responds to containment measures that highlight simple solutions, such as keeping cats indoors at dawn and dusk, to balance the needs of both wildlife and domestic cats. did.
“Scottish is a cat lover’s country,” said Alice Palombo, head of advocacy and government relations for Cats Protection in Scotland. I said AP communication. “Cats help children learn important lessons to provide dating to seniors and people living alone, to provide comfort to people with health conditions, and to care for others. It’s a great pet for all kinds of reasons, whether or not,” she said. “We believe that everyone who can care for a cat should be able to enjoy these benefits.”
According to the University of Massachusetts Amherst University’s University of Natural Sciencescat owners can reduce the impact outdoor cats can have on the environment. They also propose an enclosed “catio” surrounded by tons and structures to give cats exercise, play, stimulation, fresh air and the sun.