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Snoring, snoring, tossing and turning, long naps during the day, waking up in the middle of the night, and sleeping too little or too much all reduce sleep quality and increase the risk of stroke. There is a possibility. Study.

In fact, researchers have found that the more sleep disturbance you have, the higher your risk of stroke.

“People with five or more of these symptoms may be five times more likely to have a stroke than those without a sleep disorder,” said researcher Christine McCarthy. Galway University of Ireland in a statement.

“The findings are consistent with previous studies linking unhealthy sleep to high blood pressure and vascular disease, which are risk factors for stroke,” said Associate Professor of Neurology and Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Sleep expert Kristen Knutson says: Medicine in Chicago. She was not involved in her research.

One reason for this could be the impact of short, fragmented sleep or sleep disturbances like sleep apnea on the body’s ability to regulate metabolism, blood pressure and inflammation, which are risk factors for stroke. Phyllis Zee, Ph.D. Circadian and Sleep Medicine, Northwestern Medical College, who was not involved in the study.

“Sleep deprivation impairs the natural blood pressure drop that occurs during nighttime sleep and may contribute to hypertension, an important risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular disease,” Zee said in an email. increase. “Other population-based studies have reported similar relationships between sleep deprivation and disorders such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia.”

the study, published on wednesday The journal Neurology analyzed data from more than 4,500 people participating in INTERSTROKE, a large international case-control study of patients who have experienced a stroke.

About 1,800 participants in this study developed the most common type of ischemic stroke. Another 439 had an intracerebral hemorrhage, in which an artery or vein in the brain ruptured, causing bleeding into brain tissue.

Study participants were matched by age and sex to people with no history of stroke. Both groups answered questions about sleep quality and behavior and compared the two groups.

They found that people who averaged less than five hours of sleep per night were three times more likely to have a stroke than those who slept seven hours. Recommended minimum For adults.

Conversely, the study states that sleeping an average of nine hours or more per night doubles the risk of stroke.

The study found that the results held true even after adjusting for other problems that could lead to stroke, such as depression, alcohol abuse, smoking, and lack of physical activity.

Sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops multiple times in an hour, is associated with a three-fold increased risk of stroke, the statement said.

“Sleep apnea may alter pathways involved in regulating clotting factors that may increase the risk of stroke,” Zee said.

Snoring and snoring, a sign of untreated sleep apnea, were also at risk. was almost three times as likely to be

Napping was also a risk factor, according to the statement. On average, he was 88% more likely to have a stroke if he napped for an hour or longer. However, planned naps of less than an hour were not associated with an increased risk of stroke, the study said.

Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver, noted that the study only showed an association between sleep disorders and stroke, not a causal relationship. is important.

“The question remains: Is it because of poor sleep? Or is it simply related to a set of bad health habits that increase the risk of stroke?” asked Freeman, who was not involved in the study.

“Are they under a lot of stress? Have they had a lot of caffeine and not been sleeping? We know that it promotes high sleep,” Freeman said.

Practicing good sleep hygiene, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly are all important ways to reduce the negative effects of sleep. It improves sleep disturbances and reduces the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease, Freeman said.

“What I always tell people is that getting about seven hours of uninterrupted sleep a night has the lowest amount of cardiovascular disease,” he said.

It’s important to prioritize getting seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep on a regular basis each night, Gee said. means

“Regular exposure to light in the morning and afternoon can also improve sleep quality,” she says, adding that people who suffer from daytime snoring, insomnia, or excessive sleepiness may find it helpful to get more sleep. It added that it was necessary to consult a specialist in

Freeman added that bedrooms should be used only for sleep and intimacy.

“Don’t hang out there and watch TV or read a book or work there,” he said. “Keeping a notebook by your bed allows you to write down whatever comes to your mind when you wake up in the middle of the night. Please do your best.

To avoid stomach discomfort that can wake you up, avoid drinking alcohol or eating at least 3 hours before bedtime.

“It’s also important to exercise in the morning, preferably in the morning,” added Freeman. “The only real medicine that will always work is modifying your lifestyle to include healthy behavior.”



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