When you’re taking care of a newborn, it’s hard to make time to take a shower, let alone manage your money. In the fog of lack of sleep, you might miss paying bills or make impulsive purchases of random things online to help with infant care. pressured.

Planning for a baby, whether it’s a name idea or a nursery theme, is certainly more tempting than developing a system to make sure you remember to open your emails, but it’s a lot more money-saving. You definitely want to avoid leaving management to chance. your baby arrives

Here’s how to start nesting economically:

knock out important tasks

Use the months before you give birth to make big decisions like:

baby health insurance: Birth and adoption are considered “eligible life events” for health insurance coverage. This means you don’t have to wait for open enrollment to add your child to your plan, but you only have a limited amount of time, about 1-2 months after birth or adoption. Check your insurance plan rules to find out when it expires. If you and your partner have separate plans, compare costs and decide who will support the baby.

real estate planning: Talk to a real estate attorney about drafting wills, choosing powers of attorney and health care representatives, and establishing fiduciary relationships for your children when appropriate. “If something happens to one or both of you at the same time, it will only cause countless problems for your child.

Life insurance: Life insurance can provide essential funds for your family should something happen to you, your partner, or both of you.

Get Your Budget Baby Ready

From small ongoing purchases like diapers and formula to huge expenses like childcare, these baby costs add up. If you are quitting your job to care for Thyme, the money coming in will change dramatically.

Start by identifying cuts or bills that can be renegotiated to cut costs. If you have credit card debt and have room in your budget to pay it off aggressively, you can free up more money later for essentials. Start estimating expected ongoing baby costs, such as the monthly cost of daycare. This will give you a general sense of how your spending will change.

Then automate bill payments for recurring expenses like credit cards, utility bills, and mortgage payments. If you rent a house and normally mail checks to your landlord, use your bank’s pay-by-bill feature to send the checks instead. Please do everything possible in advance to ensure that these services continue without interruption or late fees.

expect the unexpected

Don’t forget to leave room in your budget for unexpected expenses.

Emily Latham, senior financial planner at Archer Investment Management in Charlotte, North Carolina, finds herself spending more on self-care than she planned. “Her interest in grocery shopping and cooking plummeted during her pregnancy,” she says. This meant that much of her food spending was spent on restaurants and takeaways.

Latham also recommends checking with your insurance company ahead of time about childbirth costs. . In that case, epidural anesthesia will cost more than expected.

tap into your village

Your loved ones aren’t just a great source of hand-me-downs, advice, and free babysitting.

Lori Gross, a finance and investment adviser at the Outlook Financial Center in Troy, Ohio, says property taxes, utilities, and other bills are due the same as your neighbors, so don’t forget to pay your bills. In addition, it is said that you will be asked to send a reminder by e-mail at the time of payment.

“Family and friends can help with these things, but many parents are hesitant to ask for help,” says Gross.


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